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a game by The Magical Gurl
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 8.5/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Eroge Games, Anime Games, Hentai Games, Lewd Games, Futa Games, Adult Sci-Fi RPG, Futa Hentai Game

PROJEKT MOON is a fun lewd sci-fi game that is all about a futa in space. Futa in space, that could be the title of a TV series or movie! Anyway, I have had a lot of fun with this one, and while I knew that the whole futa thing is not for everyone. If you do get a kick out of it, trust me when I tell you that you will have a great time with this. The game is just so weird, but that is meant as a compliment as being weird and over the top is clearly what the developer was going for here.

Zany With A Capital Z

The developer of PROJEKT MOON actually described the game as a zany sci-fi romp and there is honestly no better way that I could describe this game. We play as a regular guy who lives a pretty normal life. We love to look at the stars and dream, but we end up getting abducted by aliens and they decide to do a little “gene therapy” and we just so happen to be turned into the ultimate futa in the galaxy! From here we can decide to just embrace this new role or we can seek revenge on those that did us wrong.

There Sure Is A Lot Of Variety In Space!

I love how unapologetically weird PROJEKT MOON is! This game has us dealing with all kinds of crazy stuff from dealing with an alien queen that needs us to impregnate her to dealing with vast alien civilizations. There are aliens that look like elves, an alien succubus, and even some cat girl looking chicks! You never know what this game is going to throw at you next and the whole random and crazy nature of it kept me interested and having fun the whole way through.

A Big Bad Futa In Space

As I write this, I have only played the one path in PROJEKT MOON. I decided to go down the “good” path where we just embrace what we are and go along for the ride. The game as I said also has you out for revenge, but I found that the mean spirit the MC had here kind of went against the goofy nature of the game, but to be fair, I have not experienced it so I cannot say for sure. As far as the gameplay goes, we pretty much have a standard lewd visual novel here. There is no unnecessary exploration or grindy sandbox style elements here, just a fun and wacky story and some choices to make along the way and that is more than fine by me!

Take A Walk On The Wild Side!

Yes, that was a Motley Crue reference! Anyway, PROJEKT MOON has a rather unique style to the presentation. As the game is so weird that should not come as a surprise. We have a kind of strange anime look to things where the characters are done in an almost cell shaded Game Cube era kind of style. There are some very nice looking characters here, Lilim the succubus being my personal favorite. Plus, pretty much every kind of sex you could want here is on offer. With the MC being a Futa, it is very heavily futa themed, but I am honestly okay with that. I do feel that the style is a bit of an acquired taste and while I thought it was fun and hot in places, I can easily see why that would not be the case for everyone.


I fully embraced the strange and unusual (I have made this Beetlejuice reference so many times!) that PROJEKT MOON had going on and as a result, I had a fantastic time with this lewd visual novel. I get that the way it looks may be a tad off putting for some folks, especially the futa theme. However, those who can get past this or get a kick out of that kind of thing will find this to be one very wild and crazy sci-fi lewd adventure that they will never forget!


  • We play as a futa who is in outer space!
  • There is a lot of variety in the character designs
  • The story is so weird and crazy that it makes for a very wild ride!
  • The game is always throwing lewd content your way


  • You do have to be cool with the whole futa thing to get into this
  • The art style is rather weird and I can see it being a turn off for some people



System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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