Monster Girl Dreams

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a game by Threshold
Platform: PC (2019)
Editor Rating: 9/10, based on 2 reviews, 3 reviews are shown
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Eroge Games, Anime Games, Hentai Games, Lewd Games, BDSM Games, Ren'Py Porn Games, Monster Girl Games
Monster Girl Dreams
Monster Girl Dreams
Monster Girl Dreams
Monster Girl Dreams

When I read that Monster Girl Dreams was a text based lewd game, I was kind of shocked when I started to play it. I would put this more in the lewd visual novel category than just a text based lewd game as it is fully illustrated and it looks fantastic. I honestly came into this with rather low expectations, but I was pleasantly surprised by the funny writing and fantastic monster girl designs. I came into this just to “check it out” however, I ended up staying for quite a while to get ravaged by as many monster girls as I could!

Getting Ready For Adventure!

Before we can dive into the story of Monster Girl Dreams, we need to create our character. This game sees us playing as a young adventurer who has just graduated from an adventure school and now we must head out on our quest to try and bang them all! The character creation is quite fun and easy to get to grips with. It gives you several choices to make so that your character is unique, but it is not overwhelming to the point where it feels like a chore or like you are creating a character for a Dungeons & Dragons session.

A Wild Monster Girl Filled World Indeed!

The world that Monster Girl Dreams is set in is called Lucidia and we are going to be exploring this place, using our newly learned skills now that we have graduated. We can try to get rich, have lots of sex, and perhaps even track down a big bad if we feel like it. The writing here is a lot of fun and I cannot praise the writer enough for their sense of humor. This is a lewd game that is all about having fun and even when the craziest stuff is happening or some kind of wild XXX image is on the screen, chances are, you will have a smile on your face by the fantastic writing.

Not The Text Based Game You Were Expecting

I feel that Monster Girl Dreams is more like a lewd visual novel that is mixed with an RPG. They say that this is also a BF (stands for battle f**k) and to be honest, combat is quite unique. You have a selection of skills and monster girls are unique in what they can do to you and what they are weak to, but it feels more like you are selecting choices in a lewd visual novel than making decisions in an RPG. That is not meant as a negative, it actually works really well and chances are, no matter what you do, you will end up with an XXX image! It is fun to play, I just went with the flow, never knowing what was going to come my way next, which leads me to my next point!

Fancy Seeing You Here!

Monster Girl Dreams has some very interesting monster girl designs. I consider myself something of a monster girl connoisseur, think of me like Cilan from Pokemon Black & White, but instead of Pokémon, I love big busty monster girls! Anyway, this game has some fantastic visuals and I love how it is all so bright and vibrant, it really goes well with the over the top and fun writing that the game has. The monster girls in the game are very varied in their design and I loved how you never knew what the hell was going to come your way next. The monster girl designs were a huge part of the fun for me here and one of the main things that kept pushing me forward.


I love monster girls and I have to say that Monster Girl Dreams is a damn fine monster girl game. They not only manage to have created some awesome looking (with some of them being very sexy) monster girls in this game. They have also crafted a story that I found to be legit hilarious. The way it just goes from one crazy scenario to the next and it plays it all straight made me smile the whole time I was playing the game. If you have a thing for monster girls, this game is a must play.


  • I loved the funny story
  • This game has some very cool monster girl designs
  • I liked the battle system
  • It is the kind of game that you just want to keep on playing


  • You need to be into monster girls to find this hot
  • I can see some finding the “RPG” stuff a bit too simple

Download Monster Girl Dreams


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

Monster Girl Dreams is a really cool lewd RPG that I got pretty hooked on. I will be honest and say that I did not have the highest expectations for this, but it ended up being a game that I had an absolute blast with. It is a lewd RPG, but it also has visual novel elements in it as well. The whole thing is wrapped up with a fun fantasy setting that I got a huge kick out of and it even has some accessibility options, ensuring that it is a game anyone can have some fun with.

Keeping Things Light!

What we have here with Monster Girl Dreams as far as the story goes is a game that keeps things light and a game that has a real fun sense of humor. The game sees us creating out own character that we play as in this fantasy world where we embark on an epic quest that will see us interact with all kinds of interesting characters. The game is quite character driven and I liked how this whole world is sex obsessed, but there are some characters that can be a bit deeper and let you get to know them a bit better.

A Real Monster Girl Throwdown!

The gameplay of Monster Girl Dreams is mostly all about turn based battles with some very hot looking monster girls as you would expect from the title. The combat in the game is fast paced and easy to get to grips with. You have a variety of different attacks, spells, and abilities that you can give your character, and the monster girls you will be fighting all have their own strengths, weaknesses, and different status effects that they can utilize. I can see why some may find the gameplay a tad on the simple side, but I found that the simple nature of the turn based battles and the way the game always kept pushing you forward made it a lot of fun to play.

Monster Girls That Want To Grind On You!

One area that we have to talk about with Monster Girl Dreams is the grinding. If you have played any other lewd RPGs or RPGs in general, you will be familiar with grinding! I actually think that this game has one of the better approaches to grinding that I have seen in a lewd RPG in quite some time. You can put the game on easy and the grinding is pretty much zero as the game will always keep you moving forward. Even on the normal difficulty, the grinding as the battles are so sex focused never felt out of line or that it was getting in the way of me having fun with the game.

It's In The Game!

No that is not a clever reference to EA Sports, but the lewd content that Monster Girl Dreams has to offer! This is a fantastic looking game with some very interesting and hot monster girl designs. I consider myself to be a monster girl connoisseur so I know great looking monster girls when I see them! What is interesting about the XXX content in the game is that this is not done with wild and over the top sex scenes that happen after a battle as a reward. I would say that 99 percent of the XXX stuff that goes down in the game happens during the battles! This may sound odd, but I liked it, it is one of the things that kept the battles interesting and made the grind seem way less. Although, on the flip side of that, it does mean that you will be seeing the same XXX content over and over again.


I was very impressed with Monster Girl Dreams and think that the developer did a fantastic job with this game. It has a fun and lighthearted story that I got a kick out of, some wild and very hot looking monster girls and the turn based RPG gameplay that was on offer here was easy to get into and fun. It is a game that is just a real blast to play and I highly recommend that you check it out.


  • I like the monster girl based story
  • It has some fantastic monster girl designs.
  • The game has some epic XXX content
  • The gameplay is easy to get into and fun


  • The story could have perhaps done with a tad more depth
  • You will see the same XXX scenes over and over again

Monster Girl Dreams is a text-based role-playing game with a lot of erotic content, where the player enters the Naughty Land. Wild and busty babes are begging hard for a male sex organ in this wonderland. Fantasy women are overbearing creatures. They want to command a man in bed. Obey, then you'll get a dose of sexual high!


  • Engage in a battle with a demon queen - whoever wins is on top
  • Enjoy a dozen monster girls - each with her own fetishes
  • Read the valley story, which is worked out by the writers

Snapshots and Media

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