Zeno's Anthology

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a game by Chemical Fire
Platform: PC (2021)
Editor Rating: 9/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 9.3/10 - 6 votes
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See also: Eroge Games
Zeno's Anthology
Zeno's Anthology
Zeno's Anthology
Zeno's Anthology

The visually impressive Zeno's Anthology has certainly caught the eye of a lot of people since it initially dropped. This is one of the most spectacular looking lewd visual novels that I have played in quite a while. While it is getting a great deal of attention for the way that it looks. The way that the game is made and plays is actually something that makes it stand out from the crowd as well. Today we are taking a closer look at this game and seeing what makes it so noteworthy.

Just A Guy And His Boner

One of the most interesting aspects of Zeno's Anthology is the way that the story is presented. Instead of one long narrative that we have to play through. This game is made up of short stories. I think that this is quite a novel approach to telling a story in a lewd visual novel and the developer pulls it off really well. You get these shorter stories where our MC who is a bit of a douche if I am being honest, is trying to bang a particular chick. The MC is not the most likable guy, but in these smaller bite-sized chunks, he is more tolerable.

Anthology Of Interest

That is a pretty cool Futurama reference if I do not say so myself. Anyway, while I like the short story format that Zeno's Anthology is taking with things. I do have to give the developer a ton of credit for the way these stories appear to be interconnected and happen at the same time. Look, it is kind of hard to explain, but it all kind of works and shows that the developer had a clear vision for the story that they wanted to tell.

Bit Sized Fun

Now, the whole anthology/short story format that the game takes with the way it tells its story is great. Each one has plenty of choices for you to make and I felt that Zeno's Anthology did a good job of making me feel like these choices I was making as the stories progressed were important. At the end of the day, getting in some chick’s pants is pretty much the goal of every story, but hey is that really a bad thing? We are talking about a lewd visual novel here!

A Developer That Knows Their Stuff

Without a doubt, the visuals of Zeno's Anthology are what make this game. This is one of the best looking lewd visual novels that has come along in quite some time. The character renders and the character creator are some of the best that I have seen. I am not just saying this because the various female characters are all super-hot! It is the clever use of lighting and different facial expressions that make this such a standout kind of game as far as the visuals go.


I had a feeling that before I played this game, I was going to enjoy it. However, Zeno's Anthology completely surpassed my already high expectations. I will admit that the MC we play as is not the best character, actually he is a bit of an asshole if I am being honest. However, the smaller stories and the clever way they are interconnected along with those amazing visuals make this a lewd visual novel that is a great deal of fun.


  • This game looks absolutely incredible!
  • I liked the smaller shorter stories that it told
  • The way these stories can be connected is fun
  • This is just an awesome lewd visual novel!


  • It is hard to take a liking to the main character
  • The game looks phenomenal, but there is no animation here

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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