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a game by room6, and G-MODE
Platform: PC (2022)
Editor Rating: 7/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: 2D Platformer Games, Side Scrolling Games, Cute Games

OU is a somewhat mysterious game to be released sometime in 2021. The game is designed to be an immersive fantasy experience to give players a break from reality. At this time, not much is known from the game, with just a couple of non-English development videos and the steam page itself.

The game features artwork that appears to be straight out of classic children’s literature, especially a strong resemblance to “Where the Wild Things Are.” The game is described as an adventure game with a twist, but also appears to have visual novel elements.

In the game you wake up to find yourself as a young boy named OU. You are in a dried up riverbed, and have no memories of the past. An opossum with a flaming tail is there to guide you on your journey through the game. The promotional website for it doesn’t offer much information beyond this, with phrases written in Spanish which translate to, “Where are your eyes? Where is your heart?”

Looking into the past

It’s impossible to tell what the game is about from the scant information about it on the web. We can however, look at the games brought out by G-Mode and publisher Room6 in the past. One such game is the award winning “Unreal Life” brought out by Room6, which shares the same unusual approach to gaming, but with vastly different artwork. G-Mode has mainly specialized in Japanese mobile games in the past. It’s very clear from their recent G-Mode Archives release that OU is going to be very different from anything they have put out before.

Stunning art and music

While much of the game is still secret, what we can see is the beauty of the artwork, the smooth animations, and the beautiful artwork. In a commentary on their website, Daisuki Shiba the composer said, “I’m using acoustic arrangements, centered around guitars, to turn Osakana Koda’s illustrations and text into the music I believe they sound like.” Osakana Koda is responsible for the artwork and story, and claims that there are one or two surprises worked into the game. He has no details to offer at this time because the game was still being built as he wrote the message for the website.

Because there is so little information available on this game, how good it will be is largely guesswork. We can see that the artwork and music are beautiful, and while the content is still mostly in question, the producer, developer, and artist are all well known for producing great works in the past.


If you enjoy charming artwork and are interested in a story that is largely a mystery, this game might be right for you. It is to be released on Steam, and it appears that it will eventually be available on the Switch, as there is an icon available that can’t currently be used.


  • Beautiful artwork
  • Inspiring music


  • Too many unknowns

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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See Also

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