NBA 2K22

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a game by Visual Concepts
Platform: PC (2021)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 7.3/10 - 6 votes
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See also: Sport Games, Sports Management Games, NBA Video Games, Basketball Video Games
NBA 2K22
NBA 2K22
NBA 2K22

Look if you are a fan of the series nothing, I say about NBA 2K22 is going to way your opinion on if you should get this game or not. This along with FIFA are the two sports games that I buy without fail every year. Last year's game felt like a standstill, but with this year’s game I do actually feel like 2K are trying some interesting new stuff here and it could be the next-gen NBA game that we wished we got last year when the new consoles were released.

Who Spilt RPG Mechanics In My Career Mode?

The first thing I need to talk about in NBA 2K22 is the Career Mode. My Player where you create your own basketball player and strive for NBA stardom has been part of the series for years. They have tinkered with it over the years, but this year’s Career Mode looks like the most ambitious yet.

Previous games have tried to be very story driven and as a result, end up being linear. With this year’s game, what we basically have is an open-world style of game! You are free to walk around and do what you want. Sure, playing ball is the main goal and you will be talking to agents and GMs of teams. However, you can do tons of other stuff to ranging from developing your brand to starting up a record label! It is pretty crazy stuff and a very ambitious step for the series.

Your Modes Your Way

If you ask me My Career is where most of the focus for NBA 2K22 has gone. I do not mean that as a negative as the My Team mode where you build your dream team of current and legendary NBA players has been fine for quite some time. As has My GM and My League so I am actually glad that they decided against tinkering with these modes too much. I have never been a big My Team guy if I am honest, but My GM is a mode I spend tons of hours with each year as I try to lead the Bulls to stardom.

Practice? We Talking About Practice?

I always feel that on the court people are a tad too harsh on 2K when they say that it is the same game every year. They simply cannot do a new engine every year! Instead, we get a new engine ever so often and in between that we get enhancements (and sometimes downgrades) to the formula. For NBA 2K22 they seem to have done a fair bit of work making the offense and defense more fluid and natural. I love the idea of having smarter AI on the offense as it could be very frustrating when you try to execute a play and the AI would just do what it wanted. Dribbling has also been enhanced with the idea of making each player feel more unique which is something I like the sound of.

The Sweet Shine Of Sweat!

I remember playing the PS5 version of NBA 2K21 last year and showing my son the realistic sweat effects that next-gen hardware could do. While it is kind of gross, it was a real showcase of just how far this series has come in terms of its presentation.

This game looks amazing and once again 2K are nailing it with the TV style presentation. As always, some players look better than others and the play-by-play will repeat and get on your nerves by the time you are ready for 2K23, but no one could ever accuse this team of phoning it in on the presentation.


The first NBA game I truly got hooked on was Tecmo Super NBA Basketball for the SNES. Going from that to NBA Jam, to NBA Live to Total NBA to NBA 2K, I have pretty much seen it all. The 2K series is THE NBA series and I think that they are doing some very cool stuff with NBA 2K22. The more nonlinear aspect of My Career sounds very interesting and if you have missed a few NBA 2K games the last few years, this is worth jumping back in for.


  • The new My Career open world game looks very interesting
  • This game is stacked with game modes
  • I love how it has that TV style presentation
  • They have also made some refinements on the court


  • It may not be different enough for some people
  • Will this still be very micro transaction heavy?

Download NBA 2K22


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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