Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations

Download Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations and experience the thrilling battles of your favorite ninja! Master powerful techniques, unleash stunning combos, and relive iconic moments from the series. Become the ultimate ninja and play now!
a game by CyberConnect2
Platforms: XBox 360, Playstation 3 (2012)
Editor Rating: 7.5/10, based on 2 reviews
User Rating: 6.0/10 - 11 votes
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See also: Fighting Games, Naruto Games
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations

The world of Naruto has been wildly popular since its inception. Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations is the third installment in the Storm Generations series, and is a wonderful introduction to the world of fighting games.

If you think you’d enjoy games like Street Fighter II, but aren’t great at the controls, the thoughtfully produced Storm Generations series may be a better place for you to start. Not only can you enjoy the rich world of Naruto with all of its ninjas and larger than life combat, but the controls are very intuitive and easy to use.

Full range of characters

There are enough combat options in this game to keep you entertained for many hours. The game features the entire Naruto cast, with plenty of different ways to use them. Options include one-on-one battles, or partner assisted.

If you’ve played the first two games in the Storm Generations series, you may be surprised by a new change added in for this game. A subsitution meter now limits how many times each character has an “instant escape.” Additionally, there are also limits on “Awakened Mode” now. This change makes it so that these are less available during fights, so you’re more likely to fight rather than use these easy outs.

Easy Controls

The developers of Naruto Shippuden Ultimate have always believed in creating a game you can simply pick up and play. In order to achieve this, they went to great lengths to make playing Naruto Shippuden Ultimate intuitive. All of the commands for the game are very basic, with very few combos available. When a combo is available, accessing it is easy—it usually involves simply tapping the attack button multiple times. The result is that anyone, even raw beginners, can play the game easily. This doesn’t mean the game is boring for advanced players however, there’s strategy to it. Where the player is in the fight, and how they respond to attacks, will improve their chance of success.

Lots of unlockable content

The game also provides a generous amount of content you need to unlock. This includes a number of the 70+ characters in the game, as well as branches to the main storyline. Unlocking this content adds interest to the game as there’s always something new to unlock.

There is also an in-game shop where you can get items to help you in the game. While the in-game shop is fun, it could be more robust. The shop offers just those items and no new stages, modes, or characters. Adding more to the shop could have greatly improved the game overall.

Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations is a solid game perfect for those who just want to grab a game and play. It’s got hours of entertainment value, over 70 characters to choose from, and a ton of unlockable content.


While the game may be a bit too simple for those who prefer to use combos or other complex fighting maneuvers, the game is overall a well balanced arena fighter suited to all player types.


  • Lots of content
  • Simple to use
  • Many hours of gameplay
  • Multiplayer options


  • May be too simple for some
  • In-game shop is limited

Download Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations

XBox 360

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
Playstation 3

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

Who at least once in their life has not dreamed of becoming a character of their favorite anime and also cleverly defeat enemies, if you are one of these dreamers, then you are in a three-dimensional fighting game based on the most famous anime universe - Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations.

The anime universe goes to war

Two seasons of the popular anime have merged. Now fourteen-year-old Naruto can admirably lose to his sixteen-year-old version. The plot completely repeats the events of the two parts of the anime and allows you to play as characters from two seasons at once. Seventy-two attacking characters and fifteen supporting characters will clash in spectacular battles right on your screens.

It's just like the anime

The gameplay is not based on classic fighting games like Street Fighter and Mortal Combat. Fighting with chakra, summoning giant frogs, turning into tails, and using elemental techniques are the fighting styles ninjas use. Nearby space can be partially destroyed. Combat accumulates mana, which is used to make one powerful strike that plays an epic roll when activated. Seeing a huge bomb of a tailed one with dynamic camera moves or Madara's meteorite falling on an enemy is a huge bouquet of experiences.

Multiple storylines

The most basic thing about the game is, of course, the characters. Fighting that is hard to imagine in anime can take place and have unexpected consequences. Such fights can only take place in "Free Run" mode, but "Story" mode offers two interesting canon plots:

  • Naruto
  • Naruto: Shippuden

It is not necessary to go in the canonical order of Naruto's growing up. The player is free to choose the time within which he wants to go with Naruto to his dream.


Go along with the boy who has a dream on the thorny path to achieving his goal. Fight against strong and famous enemies or become one yourself. Play with friends in cooperative mode or become a pro in single player. Either way, the guy in orange and his friends are waiting for you in Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations.

Snapshots and Media

XBox 360 Screenshots

Playstation 3 Screenshots

See Also

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