My Hero Academia: Battle for All

Download My Hero Academia: Battle for All and unleash your inner hero in this action-packed fighting game! Play as your favorite characters from the hit anime series, master powerful moves, and defeat your rivals. Are you ready to go Plus Ultra? Play now!
a game by Dimps Corporation
Platform: 3DS (2016)
Editor Rating: 6/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 8.7/10 - 3 votes
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See also: Anime Games, Fighting Games, Manga Games
My Hero Academia: Battle for All
My Hero Academia: Battle for All
My Hero Academia: Battle for All
My Hero Academia: Battle for All

You'd be forgiven for coming across My Hero Academia: Battle for All and not having a total understanding of the game. The title stems from a manga of a similar name that's not the most widely known series. However, that's not to say it doesn't have a significantly sized following. After all, there was justification for making a video game out of it.

My Hero Academia: Battle for All is a game that condenses the series's up-to-date events into a playable format. The easiest way to describe the genre is a fighter mixed with some RPG elements, where you'll play as the host of cast members and live out their stories in parallel to the franchise. The most important thing to consider is whether the game is fun for fans and newcomers alike?

Academia Nuts

Before we move on to understand the game, it's probably best to recap the premise of My Hero Academia: Battle for All. The story is set in a world where almost all humans have some superpower, where our protagonist, Izuku, dreams of leveraging his abilities to become the ultimate hero. We follow the narrative into high school, where chaos ensues where there are a bunch of kids with special powers.

The game carries out that narrative through a host of the story's most exciting parts, the battles. Players will be introduced to the story mode, with each leading character having a playable narrative and a series of combat scenes to complete. Players can move freely while using their character's unique abilities to create combos and down each of their foes.

If it all sounds a bit basic, it's because it is. Despite the decent character management mechanics and the flash combat, My Hero Academia: Battle for All is a bit bland. The fact that each story only takes about an hour to complete doesn't inspire. And within those storylines, the gameplay doesn't change much and hardly provides a challenge.

Things can get a little more interesting in the objective and multiplayer modes that add a little diversity into the mix. However, you feel that My Hero Academia: Battle for All is much the same throughout. You won't find much left to enjoy once you're over the polished visuals and the well-adapted story mode.

Scholarly Serendipity

My Hero Academia: Battle for All plays like the anime-inspired game we've all seen. It's a narrative-heavy franchise that's leveraging the combat mechanics of games like Pokken Tournament to bring some playable titles for fans of the series looking for more interactivity. You'd argue it probably succeeds in satisfying that plan, but is it any good?


The game has moments, but you can't go all out and say that My Hero Academia: Battle for All is a magnificent experience. It's a visually pretty game that does an excellent job of making its story more immersive. But gameplay doesn't excite like it should, with combat mechanics being bland and challenges far too easy. The bottom line is that it's a game for series fans.

Round-Up - Pros & Cons


  • A visually attractive game
  • Good incorporation of the series' story into a video game
  • Intuitive interface for character management


  • The gameplay lacks challenge
  • Combat mechanics become bland after a bit of a while
  • Short playtime

Download My Hero Academia: Battle for All


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Snapshots and Media

3DS Screenshots

See Also

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