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a game by KOG
Platform: PC (2019)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 9.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Anime Games, Fighting Games, Manga Games, Martial Arts Games, Games with Character Creation

KurtzPel is a fighting game unlike any other. Jump into the tight bodysuit of an anime character and prepare to beat the ever-loving hell out of anything that comes anywhere near you. If you are after a fantastic fighting game that gives you some space to work in and takes its combat seriously then you should be looking at this game. Take part in some incredible missions, epic raids, awesome boss battles and so much more. Jump in alone or with a friend, in either case, things are about to get messy and you should be very excited about that.


This, my children, is a fighting game pure and simple. Like many other Arena Fighters, which are largely anime inspired, like Kill la Kill – If, Jump Force, and My Hero One’s Justice 2, players will find a lot of the game is just button bashing in a 3D space against the stage’s enemies.

This game is pretty much no different and that’s not too bad, there’s a lot to like about this game. You take control of characters who have Karma’s, these Karma’s bestow powers to the player, kind of like a class system but with a bit more story. Use these powers to crush your enemies and reap in the benefits of the independent breast physics.

This game has character customization. 10/10, game of the year. Seriously though, the character customization is really great. You get to choose what your character looks like, what their hair is like, their eyes or even how big their boobs are. 11/10.


This game looks really, really nice a lot of the time. The characters all look great, the way they look when they move is really good but the way they actually move is really odd. Don’t pay attention to that though and instead focus on how pretty the world is, all the beautiful verdant forests, stunning architecture and fantastic enemy designs. Even things like the effects that display when attacks are made in combat are really well done. The color choices and the way they appear on screen gives a brilliant illusion of power. The best part is that, unlike many other titles, they don’t fill the entire screen with what appears to be a hurricane of Christmas lights. There is a well-maintained balance of everything on screen.


There is multiplayer, thank the heavens. There’s a lot of gameplay here if you were just playing by yourself but now your big booby anime queen can team up with another and take on challenges together. Maybe you’ll fight against a big boss or maybe you’ll partake in a team deathmatch style game where you can fight against other players. All I know is that there the amount to do triples when you do it with friends. I found myself having a really great time when I got a team together.


A perfectly satisfactory anime fighting game that is sure you keep you engaged for many hours of fun.


  • Great character customization
  • Excellent combat


  • Lacks story

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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