Hidden Deep

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a game by Cogwheel Software
Platform: PC (2021)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 8.0/10 - 3 votes
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See also: Horror Games, Puzzle Games, 2D Platformer Games, Side Scrolling Games, Mystery Games, Best Detective Games
Hidden Deep
Hidden Deep
Hidden Deep

We have seen Co-op games have a little bit of a Renaissance in the last few years. With multiplayer games and social deduction titles entering the mainstream gaming sphere once again. The art of creating a game that brings gamers together had become an elusive commodity of sorts but now, we are seeing new and interesting games of this nature take centre stage and aim to galvanise the genre, bringing gamers of this modern generation back into the fold. Hidden Deep is another game of this nature, combining action and teamwork to tell a story of conspiracy and supernatural beings like no other.

This game plays like other co-op and single-player experiences like Carrion, Among Us, Plasmophopia, Returnal, MO: Astray and Tallowmere. This game aims to take you deep underground and show you the perils the lie below. However, does this uncover a hidden gem? Or should we leave this one buried below the surface? We find out in our preview of Hidden Deep.

The Depths Below

Let’s begin with the proposed story for this game. In terms of mystery and intrigue, this game gets its hooks in early and urges the player to explore and find out just what hellish creatures occupy the space and why they are there in the first place. While we don’t know what the narrative has in store for us yet, it does look promising and we can only imagine the twists and turns and how that will cause the various members of your team to react under pressure.

Then with regards to the visuals, its a pixel style, 2D adventure that takes a lot of inspiration from the popular title, Carrion. The monsters, the character models and the environments all feel very similar to this title which lends itself to the theme and the narrative approach of this game.

Then we look at the gameplay. We would say that this will be more clear as we see more of this game and it’s co-op functionality. However, from what we have seen, the combat looks like it will make the player vulnerable and flimsy, making this more of a social survival horror game which is an interesting approach and one that we believe has the potential to be a high success, especially with the lack of survival horror properties around in modern gaming.

The Verdict

While on the surface this game looks like a simple 2D point and shoot. There is more here than meets the eye. The game promises to be a co-op adventure with many twists and turns, the combat sways in the direction of survival horror than action and the story looks like it’s much more than a paper thin plot to drive the gameplay forward.


This looks like the full package and an indie game you need to watch out for in 2021.


  • Survival horror combat
  • Interesting co-op format
  • Promises to have a compelling story


  • Some will see the art style as primitive
  • Single-player experience may not be worthwhile

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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