Determinable Unstable

Download Determinable Unstable if you want to play a lewd visual novel that has some amazing mature content. This story is very well written and deep and it will make you care about the characters as well as want to have sex with them!
a game by FreakilyCharming
Platform: PC (2019)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 9.0/10 - 8 votes
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See also: Eroge Games, Anime Games, Visual Novel, Hentai Games, Lewd Horror Games, Tentacle Hentai Games, Games Like Teaching Feeling
Determinable Unstable
Determinable Unstable
Determinable Unstable

Determinable Unstable is a visual novel, where players get to follow the story of the protagonist, as he meets a mysterious and strange monster girl when passing through a forest on his way back home. At certain times the game will present you with the ability to make choices, that will change how the story progresses. Games of this genre are great for those who are looking for a calming gaming experience, as they usually have an amazing story, cute characters for you to interact with, and overall allow players to immerse themselves in the story.

Meet Fear

On a pretty uneventful day, you find yourself visiting the tombstone of your late grandmother, spending some time reminiscing about the old days, and thinking about her, and also your grandfather. And on the way back home, you need to walk across a pretty dense forest, and on the way back, you find yourself lost, as it seems that the forest goes on forever. And to make things worse, you come across a weird creature, that has the appearance of a woman, but with some monster-like features. This thing then proceeds to transform into an even weirder creature and attempts to attack you. With no other choice than to run away, after a few minutes you find yourself outside of the forest and eventually find your way back home.

In your house, you cannot stop thinking about the encounter with that human-like creature, and you let curiosity take over you, and decide to go back to the forest and try and communicate with it. Your first attempt fails, as she tries to attack you again, but this time you find out that it can talk. Unable to give up on it, you once again return to see her, and this time, she agrees to talk to you, and you find out that her name is Fear.

Meet Fear

In this game, you will be able to communicate with Fear, as at a certain point of the story, she will end up living with you. And as time passes, you will get to know even more about her and her story, and with time she will start to feel more comfortable around you and will begin to grow more curious about you, and humans overall. Underneath the monstrous appearance, you begin to discover that there is way more to Fear than meets the eye. So if you’re into visual novels, and monster girls, you will love Determinable Unstable.


Visual novels are all about making players feel lost in the story and making them feel like they’re the protagonist. A lot of games of this genre focus on providing players with a cute story, and sometimes even more.


However, this is not always the case, as Doki-Doki Literature Club is also a visual novel, but with a certain twist. Determinable Unstable has a pretty story, and Fear is a cute a charming character. The game feels similar to Teaching Feeling, and be warned, there is some mature content in it.


  • Cute Story
  • Pretty art
  • Interesting character


  • A lot of reading
  • Not many interaction options

Download Determinable Unstable


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Snapshots and Media

PC Screenshots

See Also

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