Cos Ro 2

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a game by H.H.Works
Platform: PC (2019)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Anime Games, Lewd Games, Adult RPG, Erotic RPG, Manga Games
Cos Ro 2
Cos Ro 2
Cos Ro 2

Cos Ro 2 is a fun lewd RPG that is jam-packed with fan service. It is quite a short game too, so it is perfect if you are in the mood for a lewd RPG, but you do not want something that is going to demand 20 plus hours of your time. While it is made with RPG Maker and certainly that is obvious, I think this is a pretty neat game that has a whole lot of charm to it.

I Think I Might Be An Exhibitionist!

The story of Cos Ro 2 is a ton of fun. Our main character is a bit of a ditzy chick called, Saori. Saori one day catches a girl masturbating in public and this leads her to think that she might be an exhibitionist as she got a thrill out of seeing this girl! Saori is also a cosplayer and at a convention, she decides that she is going to rock very little clothing and get a thrill in the process! There is not a ton of story here, but what is here I found to be a lot of fun.

All About Fan Service

For me, the best part of Cos Ro 2 was the fan service. You can cosplay as many famous anime characters in this game. I got a real kick out of the selection here and seeing her dress as slutty anime characters was something that I got a kick out of. The thing is, Saori is hot, but he is so weird and geeky that she also has a great deal of charm about her too.

What Version Is This?

Remember how I said that Cos Ro 2 was clearly an RPG Maker game? Well while that is true, the game has the look of something that was made with an older version. The parts where you are in the game are charming, but they are a tad on the basic side. The CGs though are a lot of fun and while some of them are just the same, but with her in a different costume, I did find myself wanting to find all of the ones that I could.

Once Scene To The Next

I have to say that this is probably one of the more basic lewd RPGs that I have played recently. The game is basically you just walking around until you come across the next lewd scene. The funny thing is, the more risqué that you get the more people get a kick out of you. However, security also starts to come after you too!

I found this aspect of the game to be fun and add a bit of drama and tension to the overall experience. It won't take you long to get through the game, but in all honesty that was something, I really liked about it.


Overall, I have to say that Cos Ro 2 while basic, is a very fun time. If you are into anime, you need to play this game as you are going to get a real kick out of all the famous anime characters you can cosplay as in this game. It may not be the longest or deepest RPG out there, but what is here is fun and I will gladly take a short fun game over a long overdrawn boring one!


  • I loved Saori, she really was a fantastic character
  • I liked all of the anime cosplay that the game had
  • There is a solid amount of lewd content
  • I actually liked that the game did not take ages to get through


  • While there is a lot of XXX CGs, many of them are the same, but with her in a different outfit
  • You may be shocked at just how quickly you can get through this game!

Download Cos Ro 2


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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