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a game by JustPlay.LOL
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Action Games, Best Casual Games, Multiplayer Games, PvP Games, Third-Person Shooter Games, Team-Based Games, Battle Royale Games

They do say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and 1v1.LOL is perhaps the most prime example of that I have ever seen in a video game. What we have here is an online 3rd person shooter that may get people to look at it because of how similar it is to another popular game, but when you play this, you realize that this is a solid game and something that is a lot of fun to play. I played this to see just how similar it was to a certain other game and while the similarities are undeniable, I was impressed with just how much fun this ended up being.

Two Weeks!

Look, the similarities to Fortnite cannot be ignored with 1v1.LOL. One of the first reviews I read of this game on Steam said that it was like Fortnite, but if you bought it on Ali Express. That gave me a chuckle, but to be fair, I do not think that is fair as the core mechanics that are on offer here are very tight and feel great. To be fair, I do think that they are pretty much just “Fortnite” but is that a bad thing? It does mean that if you like that game, you will like it, however, if that game does not do anything for you as far as its core gameplay goes, this is not going to win you over.

Speaking Of Core Mechanics!

When it comes to what the core gameplay of 1v1.LOL is, it is pretty much the same as Fortnite! It is an action packed 3rd person shooter where you have to run and gun and do what you can to survive. The shooting mechanics are solid and there is building here as well, I actually found the slightly more basic building on here a tad easier to get to grips with. There is a solid practice mode here that is great if you want to get better at building or even shooting. In typical Fortnite fashion, you do have a “pass” system as well as various cosmetics to get your hands on. The game has a kind of “90s” VR look to it where things are smooth but sparsely detailed.

A Real Battle Royal

The first time I read the description of the battle royal mode in 1v1.LOL, I had to do a double-take. It is just Fortnite! That is not an exaggeration either, the game has you dropping onto the map and you then need to do what you can to ensure that you are the one that survives. It is fast paced, it is fun and if you like Fortnite, there is certainly fun to be had here. The problem is that while I found this fun, the fact of the matter is, Fortnite has pretty much perfected this formula so as solid as this is, there is no way it is winning over the dedicated Fortnite player base.

Going Solo

As the title 1v1.LOL suggests, there is a big one vs one component at play here. For me, this is where the game is at its best. Granted, you can pretty much do this on Fortnite if you want, but the one vs one mode where it is you against another player was what I enjoyed the most. I just kept going from one game to the next, no matter if I won or lost and I had fun each time. Some matches would be over in seconds, others would be more crafty and take a while. I had a blast with this and when I got one of my friends in on the action, we actually became pretty competitive over this game.


I know that I have said Fortnite more than I have said 1v1.LOL in this review, but it is honestly impossible to talk about this game without mentioning Fortnite at least 50 times! Look, there is no way that this is going to make me and the millions of other players who have countless hours (and money) invested in Fortnite dump that for this. However, in the time that I did play this, I had fun with it so I do suggest you give it a try.


  • If you like Fortnite, you will probably like this
  • I liked the kind of low poly look the game had
  • The building and shooting mechanics felt solid
  • I liked the one vs one mode the game had


  • At the end of the day, Fortnite is simply much better than this
  • Why would you play this over Fortnite?

Download 1v1.LOL


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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