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a game by Muse Games
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Action Adventure Games, Open World Games, City Building Games, Building Games, Survival Games, Co-op Games, Crafting Games, Multiplayer Games, Cute Games, Nature Games, Magic Games, Environmental Games

A gardening game about bringing a deserted world back to life? It's not like we haven't heard that before. However, Wildmender wants to reshape the colony sim perspective into a title that makes the revival journey more emotionally immersive and visually captivating. The initial impressions are that the game isn't anything new, but the visuals and world-building factors say otherwise.

Regardless, it's always hard to say no to a cutesy, colorful game that allows you to build your thriving garden. No matter how elementary the mechanics turn out, there's always a sense of achievement with this kind of gameplay. That's my argument to give Wildmender a go, but let's do the job and see if your creative potential is as satisfying on the other end.

In the Desert Garden

In a gaming world often bustling with high-intensity challenges and rapid-fire action, Wildmender stands as a tranquil oasis, inviting players to immerse themselves in the art of garden-building and experience the soothing embrace of nature. Developed with a delicate touch and an evident love for the beauty of flora, Wildmender delivers an enchanting gameplay experience that captivates the heart and soul.

Wildmender's greatest strength lies in its ability to recreate the wonder and serenity of cultivating a garden. The sheer variety of plants, flowers, trees, and decorative elements available to players is a testament to the attention to detail. Each part is meticulously designed, and the vibrant color palettes evoke a sense of calm and aesthetic pleasure. The dynamic growth and interactions between different species add more depth to the gardening experience.

The game's mechanics are invitingly simple yet deeply engaging. Whether you're an experienced gardener or a novice, the intuitive interface and straightforward controls ensure that tending to your virtual haven is a delightful experience. Planting, watering, and arranging elements feel organic and seamless, allowing players to focus on the creative process without being overwhelmed by complex mechanics.

While primarily a garden-building simulation, Wildmender also weaves a gentle narrative that adds a layer of emotional resonance to the experience. As you uncover the history of the garden and its significance, a sense of purpose and connection develops, enriching the gameplay with a touch of nostalgia and meaning. However, more exploration and interaction with the narrative elements could enhance the overall immersion.

Horticultural Committee

Wildmender isn't just a garden-building simulation; it's a meditative journey that celebrates the beauty and tranquility of nature. With its intuitive gameplay, stunning visual design, and evocative audio, the game captures the essence of tending to a garden with a level of authenticity rarely seen in the gaming world. It has all the charm of Stardew Valley and Astroneer's sense of adventure.


Whether seeking a moment of respite or a creative outlet, Wildmender provides an oasis of peace and beauty that will leave you refreshed and inspired. It's a masterpiece of meditative gameplay that deserves a special place in the hearts of all who experience its serene embrace.

Round-Up - Pros & Cons


  • A very immersive garden-building title
  • Visuals make gameplay more exciting
  • The varied mechanics add a ton of intriguing game elements


  • Exploration eventually becomes tiresome
  • It feels more like a single-player than a multiplayer experience

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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