Uncontrollable Lust

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a game by Funny Desires
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 6.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Eroge Games
Uncontrollable Lust
Uncontrollable Lust
Uncontrollable Lust
Uncontrollable Lust

Uncontrollable Lust is a lewd visual novel that made me say what the hell on so many occasions I lost count! The thing is, this game is telling a story that is so crazy, so insane and so nonsensical that it kind of works and you end up having fun with it. The game does have some of the most amazing animated sex scenes I have seen in some time so that is what will probably keep you moving forward with playing it and to be fair, that is not a terrible thing!

Back To Your Memories

The “premise” of Uncontrollable Lust is rather basic at first glance. We play an MC that had a rather strict upbringing and not the best relationship with their father. However, the story jumps back and forward with us seeing stuff that happened in the past as well as stuff that is happening now, including us being a family man. The basics are that we are a family man who has temptation all around him and what will he do?

Wait, What The Heck Is This?

What I just wrote about Uncontrollable Lust makes it sound like your very typical lewd visual novel plot right? Well, this game gets bat poop crazy! It seems like this is going to be a kind of slice of life, grounded in reality style of lewd visual novel. However, by the time you get to the end of what is here, we have had mobsters, bad cops, a cult and we somehow even get what I can only describe is superpowers! It is insane stuff and I would say that it is the kind of thing that verges on being so bad that it ends up being good!

Just Bang Them All!

Look, gameplay wise, Uncontrollable Lust is a basic lewd visual novel where you read that insane story and make choices, but ultimately, the choices are going to lead you to a harem of chicks that you get to bang. There is a decent amount of ladies that you will be interacting with here, but as the story is so crazy, you can never really predict what your choices will lead to so I would recommend that you just go with the flow and have fun with it. It may not be offering anything groundbreaking, but what is here is kind of fun.

Making It Worth It!

The best thing that Uncontrollable Lust has going for it is 100 percent those amazing visuals. This is a fantastic looking game! It has some amazing character renders and all of the chicks have this over the top, very slutty look to them which I got a massive kick out of! While the character renders look great, I was very impressed by the animation here. The sex scenes are animated and I liked how the game was not shy about dishing them out either, you feel like you never have to wait too long for the next one to happen.


I understand that there will be some folks who cannot get past how crazy the story that Uncontrollable Lust is trying to tell is. However, I think that there is a real charm to this game and while it does end abruptly, I would wager that everyone who plays this until it ends will be more than happy with the amazing sex scenes that they have got to see. Also, this is kind of one of those games that you have to play in order to truly get just how crazy the story is.


  • I was blown away by the character renders
  • The sex scenes have some very nice animation
  • The story is so bad that it ends up being fun!
  • It is a very simple game to play through


  • That crazy story may turn some people off
  • As far as I am aware, the game is abandoned

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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