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a game by Konami Digital Entertainment
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 8.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Arcade Games, Top Down Games, Old School Games, Isometric Games, Cult Classic Games, Bomberman Games

The modern classic has made a comeback! SUPER BOMBERMAN R 2 returns to give us arcade game junkies our high-octane party game fix, promising new adventures, game modes, and the ambitious tagline of the most content ever to feature in such a title. It's multiplayer mayhem targeting to please fans with more than just your average party title, fueling more fun and frolic than ever before.

What SUPER BOMBERMAN R 2 is promising is a party game on a grandiose scale, but we've seen this kind of commitment before, ultimately falling a bit short. However, those long-time franchise fans can get excited that there's a new title to throw all their energy into. Let's see how our favorite round characters retake the stage and whether we can define the game as a new classic.

Nostalgia Revisited

SUPER BOMBERMAN R 2, the sequel to the popular franchise, brings back the explosive action and chaotic fun that fans know and love while injecting fresh elements to keep the experience exciting and relevant. This installment successfully blends the nostalgia of classic Bomberman with modern gaming elements, resulting in an engaging and entertaining gameplay experience as promised.

The gameplay remains true to the core Bomberman mechanics: players control their bomber characters in grid-based arenas, strategically placing bombs to destroy obstacles and eliminate opponents. The simple yet addictive gameplay mechanics ensure that players of all skill levels can quickly pick up and enjoy the game. Moreover, the multiplayer mode, which allows up to four players to battle it out, is where the game truly shines. The competitive and frantic matches are a blast to play with friends or online opponents.

SUPER BOMBERMAN R 2 introduces new features to spice up the gameplay. Adding unique character abilities adds depth to the strategy, as each bomber now possesses distinct skills that can turn the tide of battle. These abilities encourage players to experiment with different characters and playstyles, including the 64-player battle royale and 'Grand Prix, ' adding complexity to the traditional Bomberman formula.

Furthermore, the game offers a variety of game modes to keep players engaged. In addition to the classic Battle mode, there are engaging story-driven campaigns and challenging boss battles. The single-player campaign is a delightful addition, allowing players to embark on a solo adventure filled with creative puzzles, clever level designs, and entertaining boss fights.

The Bomb of the Ball

SUPER BOMBERMAN R 2 successfully captures the franchise's essence but has minor drawbacks. The single-player campaign, while enjoyable, could have been more extended and diverse, as some players may find it slightly lacking. Additionally, while the new character abilities add variety, they may lead to occasional imbalances in multiplayer matches. It has that Mario Party franchise feel where you continually think there could be improvements, but ultimately, it's an all-around fun experience.


Otherwise, SUPER BOMBERMAN R 2 is a delightful addition to the Bomberman series. It delivers an enjoyable mix of nostalgic charm and modern gameplay enhancements. With its captivating visuals, addictive multiplayer battles, and engaging single-player campaigns, the game caters to both long-time fans of the series and newcomers alike.

Round-Up - Pros & Cons


  • A fantastic party game with hours of entertainment
  • The stage editor extends the game's lifespan
  • The new game modes are excellent additions to the sequel


  • Some mechanical imbalances hinder multiplayer games
  • The story mode could be more expansive



System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Snapshots and Media

PC Screenshots

See Also

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