Slay the Princess

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a game by Black Tabby Games
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 10/10, based on 1 review, 2 reviews are shown
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Visual Novel, Horror Games, Story-Rich Games, RPGs, Games Where Choices Matter, Dark Humor Games, Lovecraftian Games
Slay the Princess
Slay the Princess
Slay the Princess
Slay the Princess

Let me start by saying that Slay the Princess is one of my games of the year and it is one of the best visual novel games and one of the best horror games I have ever played! Now, if you are not a horror fan, walk away this is not for you. However, if you love horror, this is one game that you simply have to play. I am very, very excited to share my thoughts on this game with you today. I have literally done everything that there is to do in this game and I am sure I will still play it again.

Did He Say Slay?

The premise of Slay the Princess is like something out of a dark fairytale. We are in the woods, making our way down a path that leads to a creepy cabin. Inside this cabin is a princess who is chained up in the cellar, but we are not there to save this princess, we are there to kill her! The fate of the world comes down to if this princess lives or dies and it is up to us to make it happen, but this is much easier said than done.

The Princess Of Lies Or Truths?

You see, the princess in Slay the Princess does not want to die and she will try to convince you or trick you in any way that she can. This is very much a horror story with some very dark, creepy, and disturbing elements in it. However, the story also has little bits of dark humor that are there to get you to lower your guard down before something more “psychological” happens. The story is just so well written! It makes you question your choices and even yourself as you try to decide what to do and if this princess is really dangerous or if you can actually save her! The story can go down multiple paths and they are all very entertaining.

A Twisted Tale Indeed

The hand drawn look of Slay the Princess is awesome, this is easily my pick for best looking game of 2023. The mostly black and white look and splatter of color give it such a striking effect. You see some messed up stuff here and the way that the princess can change from sweet to demonic is very disturbing. What really brings the whole thing together is the voice acting. The princess sounds amazing and the way she goes from sweet to deadly in the blink of an eye shows what a talented voice actress Nichole Goodnight is. the other voice actor, Johnathon Sims does an amazing job of narrating the tale so that we know what is going on.

Second Guessing Yourself

The way that the gameplay is presented in Slay the Princess is awesome. It is very much a visual novel, but you get choices thrown at you quite regularly and it can be so difficult to know which one to go for. With the game having different ways it can go, it makes you want to replay the game which by the way is another interesting aspect of this game as there is a “time loop” element going on that I will not dive into, but it makes the relationship you have with this princess so much more interesting. Even if you have played a million visual novels before this, I guarantee this one will feel different and unique.


There is no doubt in my mind that Slay the Princess is a 10/10 game. Right now off the top of my head, I would put this at number three on my games of the year for 2023 list. I have my fingers and everything else I could cross for this to get a Nintendo Switch port or come to PlayStation in a physical capacity as I would love to own a physical version of this game. If you are a horror fan and enjoy visual novels there is honestly no better game for you than this!


  • This is a truly engrossing horror story
  • The voice acting is some of the best I have ever heard
  • The game has many different paths you can go down
  • This is not like any princess you have seen before!


  • As of writing it is PC only
  • I would sell my soul to this princess for a physical copy of the game!

Download Slay the Princess


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

Slay the Princess is a visual novel with elements of romance, psychological horror and full-scale chaos with elections. An ancient legend says that there is a princess in a dense forest, far, far away, who will cause the end of the world. It is you who has the honor to prevent the end of the universe by putting a blade right into the heart of the princess. However, a beautiful angel does not look like the decider of the fate of the world. Princesses are usually saved, aren't they?

Pros of the game:

  • Full voiceovers of the princess and the narrator
  • Unusual hand-drawn visuals.
  • A fascinating story where there are no right or wrong choices.

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