Sex City: 2069

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a game by Octo Games
Platform: PC (2024)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Eroge Games, Interactive Sex Games, Adult Sci-Fi RPG, Lewd Cyberpunk Games
Sex City: 2069
Sex City: 2069
Sex City: 2069
Sex City: 2069

Sex City: 2069 is one of the most ambitious lewd games of 2024! This thing is insane in what they are trying to do. What we have here is a lewd 3rd person shooter with RPG mechanics, a deep sci-fi/cyberpunk story, and a whole lot of hardcore sex! I wanted to take a closer look at this game today as it is truly shaping up to be something special. The way that some of these lewd game developers are starting to blur the lines between XXX games and AAA games is very impressive and it makes me excited to think what the next generation of lewd games could be like.

Embracing Their Sexual Desires!

I love the world that Sex City: 2069 is set in. In this world, people use technology to really embrace their wildest sexual fantasies. Think of any cyberpunk movie or game that you have seen, but sexual pleasure being at the forefront of it all and that is basically what you have going on in this world. Of course, with all this technology and people willing to do anything to fulfill their sexual desires, there are those who are willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that they get what they want and that they stay on top and we are not just talking about being on top in the bedroom either!

It Goes Deeper Than She Ever Imagined!

One of the things that I think is really cool about Sex City: 2069 and the story it is telling is that it puts us right in the middle of it. All we know is that we play as a badass female character who has some very special abilities and a mysterious past. We have found out about this huge conspiracy that is happening in the city and we are going to do whatever it takes to make things right. Like with any story driven game, the less you know about it, the more you will get into it. I think the storytelling here is great and if you enjoy cyberpunk and sci-fi in general, you will have a lot of fun feeling like you are in this world.

They Are Lucky I Do Not Have A Sword

I do have to say that the build of Sex City: 2069 I have played is not fully complete, but I do hope that they add in a sword or some other kind of hack and slash weapon. You get your cybernetic hands on a gun pretty quickly and there are different guns you can get. While I found the 3rd person shooter gameplay to be fine for the most part, I did think that the enemies swarmed on me a bit too much, if I had some kind of quick hack attack, it would not be an issue, but did I did find myself overwhelmed on occasion. Still, even with that being said, there is certainly something very badass about this whole experience.

My Guns Are Not The Only Thing “Enhanced”

Visually, Sex City: 2069 is a very impressive looking game and while I will admit that many cyberpunk themed games do all have a very similar look. For those of you that like the cyberpunk style, you will get a huge kick out of this world. The lewd content here is awesome, you get these very graphic and every well animated sex scene that are so much fun to watch. Although, I will admit the way dudes’ balls would swing around did make me laugh which took me out of the moment a bit. Even though the game is not yet complete, I felt that the visuals had a real flair to them.


As the version of Sex City: 2069 I played was pretty much a demo, I do not think that it is fair for me to give the game a score. Still, even though there are a few things that do need a bit more polish to them, this is still a very impressive lewd 3rd person shooter. The gameplay feels solid already and the story and setting are awesome and most certainly something I want to know more about. Be sure to keep an eye on this one as it has the potential to be one of the best lewd games of 2024.


  • We get to play as a sexy badass chick
  • The cyberpunk setting is something I liked
  • There are some very interesting characters to talk to
  • The 3rd person shooter gameplay already feels quite solid


  • The version of the game I played is about 30 minutes long
  • I do wish that they gave us a sword so a similar type of weapon

Download Sex City: 2069


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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