Seducing The Devil

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a game by DeafPerv
Platform: PC (2021)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Eroge Games
Seducing The Devil
Seducing The Devil
Seducing The Devil
Seducing The Devil

I finally had the time to spend some quality time with Seducing The Devil, so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to tell you guys my thoughts on this latest lewd visual novel. The first thing that I have to say is that I really like how the developer is with the community. They are always in communication and letting people know what is going on with the game and that is something I truly do appreciate and it is also something that is always going to make me give a game a bit more of a chance.

Two Worlds

The plot of the game is something that I think does need a bit of work. Seducing The Devil is about a young man who lives in the UK and he has been having a virtual relationship with a woman called Ella who lives in the USA. He is finally going to move over to the USA to be with her, but he is going to have to win over her family if he really wants to get with her. What makes his quest for love more complicated is that his family in the UK are not happy that he is leaving them to go to the USA.

Something Not Quite Right

I think that the bones for a good story are here in Seducing The Devil, but I think the developer has perhaps tried a bit too hard. I applaud them for trying to write a deep and engaging narrative, I sometimes feel that less is more and that could be what the developer is better doing here. The plot can be quite hard to follow as there can be a lot going on which makes things hard to follow.

A Giant Hourglass

What is more than likely going to grab your attention with Seducing The Devil is the fact that the ladies all have these exaggerated hourglass shaped bodies. I think this is a lot of fun and I am never one to shy away from a big booty and giant boobs, I know it takes away from the realism aspect of things, but it is something that I get a kick out of. The character renders are great for the most part, but I do wish that some of the animation was a bit on the smoother side.

Picking What Is Right

This is a visual novel lewd game so most of what you will be doing in this game will be reading the story. It does give you choices to make during the game and these can affect things going forward. Some of the choices feel like they matter, but there are other occasions where the game is much more linear, almost like a kinetic visual novel. Some of the sex scenes give you lots of options in how you want to progress which I thought was fun.


I had a good time with Seducing The Devil and think that if the developer streamlined the plot just a tad it would be a much better game for it. I think that there is something interesting here for the story and that the character renders are very fun and appealing too. I know that not all of the choices feel like they matter in the grand scheme of things, but there was more than enough to keep me interested and not just keep on clicking the screen to get the dialogue over and done with.


  • I liked how big and curvy the characters in the game are
  • Some of the sex scenes give you different choices in how they progress
  • I think that there is an interesting story somewhere in here
  • The developer is very active with the community


  • The exaggerated boobs and butts may not be to your taste
  • I think that the story is a bit too complicated for its own good

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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