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a game by Airstrafe Interactive
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 9/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Sandbox Games, Open World Games, Early Access Games, Survival Games, Crafting Games, Base Building Games, 3D Games

Saleblazers invites you on a remarkable journey where commerce and survival intertwine. In this captivating game, you'll step into the shoes of a resourceful shop owner navigating a challenging world. As you venture through a dynamic environment, your ability to scavenge, sell, and strategize will be put to the test. Get ready to dive into an intriguing blend of entrepreneurship and survival, where the success of your small shop becomes the key to your ultimate survival. If you are looking for the perfect blend of combat, building, and shop owner simulator, this is the one for you.


Saleblazers presents an immersive gameplay experience that seamlessly weaves together action-packed combat and strategic resource management. As you step into the shoes of a resourceful shop owner, the game's third-person perspective plunges you into a dynamic world where exploration and combat take center stage. Engaging battles against various enemies demand quick reflexes and tactical thinking as you utilize a range of melee and ranged combat techniques to triumph over adversaries.

The heart of the gameplay lies in the symbiotic relationship between combat and resource gathering. While fending off foes, you'll gather a diverse array of materials, equipment, and items. These resources serve a dual purpose, both bolstering your combat prowess and forming the inventory for your custom-built shop. Crafting a thriving business becomes a strategic endeavor as you decide which items to put on sale, set their prices, and artfully arrange your shop's layout to entice customers and maximize profits. There are definite similarities between this game and titles like Valheim and Conan: Exiles. Also, yes, for all you griefers out there, there is PvP.

Saleblazers truly shines in its ability to seamlessly blend these two gameplay elements. Your success in battles directly impacts your resource collection, which in turn fuels the growth of your shop. With each strategic decision you make, you'll be inching closer to creating a shop that caters to the needs of your customers while securing your own survival in a challenging and ever-evolving world.


Saleblazers boasts visuals that embrace a vibrant and engaging art style, sharing similarities with the widely recognized aesthetic of Fortnite. The game's visuals are characterized by bold colors, well-defined character designs, and lively environments that capture the eye. This art direction not only contributes to the game's energetic atmosphere but also enhances the immersive experience as you navigate through the dynamic world. The visuals in Saleblazers play a significant role in creating a visually appealing and captivating environment for players to explore, fight, and manage their shop.


In Saleblazers, the narrative takes an intriguing departure from traditional linear storytelling, aligning itself with the game's core focus on survival and resource management. With no predefined plotlines, the game grants players the freedom to craft their own stories within the dynamic world. As a survival game at its essence, the narrative evolves organically through your actions, decisions, and encounters. The tales that emerge are a result of your resource gathering, battles with enemies, and the growth of your personalized shop. This approach empowers players to immerse themselves fully in the survival experience, allowing the game to be a canvas upon which they paint their own unique narratives through their choices and strategies.


Discover a captivating blend of combat, resource gathering, and strategic shop management in Saleblazers, offering an immersive adventure perfect for those seeking dynamic survival challenges intertwined with entrepreneurial spirit.


  • Engaging blend of third-person combat, resource gathering, and shop management
  • Freedom to customize and curate your shop's inventory for strategic growth
  • Seamless integration of combat and resource collection fuels a balanced gameplay loop


  • Lack of a traditional linear narrative might not appeal to players seeking a guided story
  • Steep learning curve for managing both combat and shop mechanics simultaneously

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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