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a game by Afterburn
Platform: PC (2022)
Editor Rating: 9.5/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 9.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Best Casual Games, Strategy Games, Puzzle Games, Building Games, City Building Games, Hand-Drawn Games, Train Simulator Games, Games for Kids, Logic Games

When it comes to puzzle games, Railbound is one of the best and most adorable puzzle games that I have had the pleasure to play in 2022. This game well and truly got its hooks into me and I became pretty addicted to it. There is such a wholesome, loving, and relaxing vibe about this game that makes it so relaxing and lovely to play. However, do not get me wrong, this can also be quite the fiendish puzzle game that is really going to make you think and scratch your head too.

Two Dogs Exploring The World

The whole concept of Railbound is that we have two dogs that are exploring the world on their train and they need your help to make this happen. The game has a very lovely kind of cell-shaded art style that really could not be any cuter. The nice and bright graphics really do make this a very appealing game to play and it has a lovely soundtrack that is nice and mellow too which perfectly fits in with the gameplay.

One Tile At A Time

Railbound has well over 100 levels for you to play through and they are split up into different worlds. You have your main engine car, but you also have two passenger cars that you need to connect to the engine. The way that the game works is that you need to connect these passenger cars to the engine car before it can speed away to the next level. The twist is, you have to connect them in order, the cars are numbered so one has to be connected first and then two and you connect the cars by placing down train track tiles of which you have a limited amount to make use of.

Crossing The Tracks

One of the things that I liked about Railbound was the way that the challenge progressed as you played the game. It would do a very good job teaching you new mechanics that would be required in order to complete the different levels. For example, you will eventually have to deal with things like tunnels that can teleport the train to a different area on the level, barriers, signals, switches to move tracks and you will even have to pass platforms to pick up passengers to take on your journey with you.

One Hand Holds Another

While Railbound has a cute and very lovely look to it. As a puzzle game, this can be quite challenging. I do think that the game does a great job in teaching you the mechanics of the various puzzles that are going to be thrown your way. However, the later levels can be very tricky to figure out. However, there is a pretty handy hint system here that will give you a point in the right direction of where and what tiles should be placed. I found this to be very handy and keep those more challenging levels from getting frustrating.


I have to say that Railbound came out of nowhere for me, I had no idea this game existed until it showed up the day it was released and I decided to take a gamble on it because I loved the art style and the premise of this father and son dog duo traveling the world on their little train. It ended up being my favorite puzzle game of 2022 and it is a game that I cannot recommend highly enough. If you enjoy puzzle games and games that are cute as a button, there have not been many released this year that can top this!


  • I found the story and premise to be very cute
  • I loved the bright and colorful graphics
  • The gameplay is fun, challenging and it also has a handy hint system
  • The soundtrack is very mellow and fits the gameplay perfectly


  • Some of the later levels can be a tad on the tricky side
  • I really cannot think of another con!

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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