Philana and the Elixir of Life

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a game by Saki Minoru
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 8.5/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 3 votes
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See also: Eroge Games, Anime Games, Hentai Games, Adult RPG, Erotic RPG, Tentacle Hentai Games
Philana and the Elixir of Life
Philana and the Elixir of Life
Philana and the Elixir of Life
Philana and the Elixir of Life

Philana and the Elixir of Life is a fantastic and cute JRPG that is perfect if you are looking for a modern game to cure that old school JRPG itch you may have. This has a very old school soul about it and it is something that just ticks all of the boxes for what I am looking for in an RPG like this. If you grew up playing those classic 16-bit RPGs or even if you are someone younger who loves modern JRPGs that are done in a pixel art style, this is a game that 100 percent needs your attention!

Friends Till The End

No, Chucky does not show up here! Although it would be kind of awesome if he did! The story in Philana and the Elixir of Life is about a young woman of noble heritage called Philana. Philana grew up with a strong moral compass and wants to do right by people. Her best friend and the person she lives with is called Lily. These two have grown so close over the years and back in the day, Philana actually saved Lily’s life, and ever since she has stayed by her side.

A Real Elixir of Life

It turns out that their happy life is not as happy as Philana thinks. Philana and the Elixir of Life has a twist where Lily is sick and she has been working on an elixir, but there are a few ingredients that she needs, but she is too sick to go and get them. Being the noble hero that she is Philana insists on heading out on a quest to find the special items so that she can make this elixir of life so that Lily can be saved. That alone is great, but there is a mystery at play here as a strange group are also seeking out these ingredients! It is a fun and classic kind of JRPG and that is very appealing to me.

A True Classic

One of the things that I get a major kick out of when it comes to Philana and the Elixir of Life is that the developer clearly grew up with the classic Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest games. The game sees us explore the various areas, speaking of which, each area has its own set of enemies and stuff that you have to do which gives the game a lot of variety as you progress through it. There are main quests that you can do, but the different townsfolk NPCs that you come across will have side quests for you to do as well. The combat is turn based JPRG combat and it is a lot of fun, it actually made me want to grind and get better and stronger.

Top Down, Bottoms Up!

Much like the gameplay of Philana and the Elixir of Life is very much a typical JRPG, I feel like the visuals of the game have that same classic JRPG look to it. Most of the game is going to be experienced from a top down point of view as you would expect from a game like this. However, the combat is done with this fantastic artwork and the game also has some very well drawn artwork that is awesome as Philana and Lily are two very cute characters that are very easy on the eyes.


I was very impressed with Philana and the Elixir of Life. It is a fantastic throwback to the way that JRPGs used to be. I think that it is so cool how so many indie developers are making these old school JRPGs and this is one of the most fun ones I have played this year. It is a game that is very well made in terms of its story, gameplay, and visuals. If you are someone who is into JPRGs, this is a game that you simply must play. I will say that for those who are not into this genre, this is not going to win you over.


  • It offers a very engaging story
  • I liked the relationship between Philana and Lily
  • The pixel art has a ton of charm
  • The JRPG gameplay and combat is great


  • You do have to be familiar with JRPGs to appreciate this game
  • It may not be “naughty” enough for some people

Download Philana and the Elixir of Life


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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