Novastella Island

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a game by Nova Studio
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 6/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Anime Games, Life Simulation Games, Building Games, City Building Games, RPGs, Crafting Games, Management Games, Time Management Games
Novastella Island
Novastella Island
Novastella Island
Novastella Island

Are you looking for a building game that does not ask too much of your time? Then you might be enamoured by new release Novastella Island. Developed by Nova Studio, this title manages to capture the slow-paced building that many find enjoyment within.

You are placed in an alternate universe on an island, and your job is simple. Try and collect resources to make sure that you can eventually make your way home once and for all. You will be here for a while, though, so make sure you get used to making friends, collecting resources, and building a home that can become the pride of this small island. Limited in scope and perhaps overly ambitious, though, does Novastella Island bite off more than it can chew?

An interesting concept that needs some work

The first thing to note is that the bones of Novastella Island are very fun. If you enjoy slower paced building games that do not ask too much of you in terms of time, you should find that Novastella Island is a good place to start. However, we have to note that at the moment the game is lacking quite a lot of content. It is still in Early Access so this should change over time, but right now it can all feel a touch barebones.

The whole concept is to enjoy exploring the island and getting to grips with its interesting layout and inhabitants. Sadly, most of your building time will be focused on busy work. Grinding to get resources such as chopping trees, mining, and fishing are all fun enough at first but soon become rather dull. As you get to know the locals, the Lillies, things become more open-ended, but it would be fair to say that the NPCs you meet probably need a bit more detail.

Compared to something like Animal Crossing, you might find that there is not enough here to keep your time and attention focused.

Novastella Island definitely needs some more time to be ready (6/10)

While the building system is quite fun and engaging, the actual process of acquiring resources and the like can be very time consuming. Yes, you can build more or less a wholly bespoke home using the many components that you can choose from. However, while the building elements are fun, much of the exploration and the interaction with NPCs can feel a touch lifeless.

Add in the monotony that soon sets in, and Novastella Island needs a fair amount of work to make it more engaging. It is a game that can be incredibly fun for a short period of time, but can soon begin to feel repetitive. Until more content is added to this Early Access title, it probably needs more time to be prepared for a full release.


The rich cel-shaded art is impressive, but there simply is not enough to do to justify exploring this world.


  • Fun and engaging building system that is easy enough to get to grips with
  • Impressive artistic direction that stands out and looks very detailed


  • Lack of activities to do makes this exploration game soon run out of life
  • NPCs are wooden and need more work to improve the interactions enjoyed
  • Resource gathering is repetitive and can feel overly forced, slowing down progress

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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