I Expect You To Die 3: Cog in the Machine

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a game by Schell Games
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 8.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Simulator Games, Action Games, Horror Games, Puzzle Games, Mystery Games, VR Games, Best Detective Games
I Expect You To Die 3: Cog in the Machine
I Expect You To Die 3: Cog in the Machine
I Expect You To Die 3: Cog in the Machine
I Expect You To Die 3: Cog in the Machine

I adored the previous two games, but I Expect You To Die 3: Cog in the Machine is the craziest entry in the series yet! This to me is what VR games are all about! It offers a fun and immersive experience that you simply could not get without a VR headset. This is a spoof of the spy genre and it is just so much fun. I thought that the second game outdid what the first release did and that is also true for this third installment in the series. By the way, I noticed that they are offering this in a trilogy bundle now, and if you have a VR headset, but have not yet jumped in this world that is the way to go about it!

The Super Spy

The story of I Expect You To Die 3: Cog in the Machine is that we are the ultimate secret agent and we have been brought back for one more thrilling case. The evil Dr. Zor needs stopping and there is only us that can do this. This is very similar to a James Bond type movie, think of stuff like Spy Hard, Austin Powers, and Johnny English and you will have a very good idea of the kind of spy caper you are in for. This series is fantastic in immersing you in this crazy world.

The New Spy On The Block!

While Dr. Zor is of course the ultimate threat, there is more going on here in I Expect You To Die 3: Cog in the Machine! Dr. Rozana Prism used to work for the agency and she has been developing the ultimate AI based spy and she now wants you dead! We have to also put a stop to her and also these rogue AI agents that she could be unleashing on the world. I love the story here as I feel like there is more going on than in the previous two games.

Spying All Over The World

In I Expect You To Die 3: Cog in the Machine, we take part in various missions that have us going all over the place. I love how the series plays homage to the spy genre, but also makes fun of some of the tropes that it is known for. It plays like a puzzle or an escape room style of game where you have to figure out what to do, how to do it, and of course, get out alive. My favorite missions are the one in the car as you feel like James Bond zooming on the highway dealing with bad guys. There is also an epic underwater mission that is one of the best examples of how awesome VR can be that I have had the pleasure to experience.

That Campy 70s Style

I would not say that I Expect You To Die 3: Cog in the Machine is a massive leap over the last game visually, but that is not a bad thing. The game looks great, it has a kind of 70s spy movie vibe about it. The classic game, No One Lives Forever is probably the best comparison that I can give this game. I never had any trouble with motion blur or anything like that, but as is the case with all VR games, people experience it differently. It is one of the smoother VR experiences that I have had recently.


It is most certainly the third time is the charm when it comes to I Expect You To Die 3: Cog in the Machine. This is just awesome stuff and the kind of thing that I think everyone with a VR headset needs to experience. If you are looking for a VR game that is just an incredible immersive experience that gets its hooks into, makes you laugh, makes you sweat and maybe even makes you jump on occasion, it does not get much better than this.


  • This is the best game in the series!
  • If you liked the first two games, you will love this!
  • I thought the story was awesome, especially if you love the spy genre
  • The actual missions are a lot of fun, I did not dislike any of them


  • As is the case with all VR games some people may get motion sick
  • If for some crazy reason, you did not like the previous games, you may not be won over by this

Download I Expect You To Die 3: Cog in the Machine


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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