Hylics 2

Download Hylics 2 and immerse yourself in a surreal and mind-bending world! Experience a unique blend of RPG elements, captivating visuals, and unforgettable characters in this unconventional adventure. Dive into the bizarre and play now!
a game by Mason Lindroth
Platform: PC (2020)
Editor Rating: 7/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 6.7/10 - 3 votes
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See also: Funny Games, RPGs, Dark Humor Games, Games Like Omori, Abstract Games, Psychedelic Games
Hylics 2
Hylics 2
Hylics 2
Hylics 2

It should be unsurprising that you’ll come across some of the weirdest, yet most charming projects out there upon entering the realm of Claymation projects. Claymation and stop-motion films are well known throughout the world for being an alternative medium for animation projects and have seen success in films like The Nightmare Before Christmas. Creating a game where the core graphics are based heavily on this idea would no doubt yield the same feeling of curiosity – Hylics 2, an indie turn-based RPG and dungeon crawler fits this niche perfectly. Its an impossibility to use ‘true’ claymation for a project like this, but Mason Lindroth did an excellent job transferring that ‘claymation’ feel to the design of Hylics 2. Although it is similar in progression and gameplay design to Octopath Traveler and Space Funeral in creativity, it is a wholly unique experience that’s hard to put into words.

Play as Wayne

Hylics 2 carries on the surrealist feeling that was established in the first game. Everything is odd – but if everything is odd, then nothing is. What is clear throughout your entire playthrough is that this game was a labor of love and carefully crafted. The story is funny, charming, and genuinely will have you laughing, possibly crying if you happen to be floating in between dimensions. Either way, you play as Wayne, who’s on a journey to stop the ‘resurrection’ of Gibby, the first Hylics’ antagonist. In spite of the mesmerizing, somewhat confusing world that surrounds Wayne and his crew, the story is incredibly comprehensive and exhibits the writing chops of Lindroth effectively. The story had a clear goal in mind compared to the first Hylics. The only place that it falters is in trying to keep players engaged. There’s not a whole lot of nuanced story telling and its relatively straightforward. Though there’s nothing wrong with it, its entirely coherent and lacks any significant holes, it’s a bit strange itself that the story is so formulaic. Regardless, the setting and overall design make this a small gripe rather than a true flaw.

Defeat Gibby (Again)

The gameplay for Hylics 2 is similar to the first and doesn’t do a whole lot else that’s new as it seems most of the effort went towards tweaking the story to be understandable through and through. Jumping is a bit spotty and can be difficult to judge given that depth is harder to perceive because of the unique aspect of the graphics. There are plenty of complex parts of Hylics 2’s combat that will keep you on your feet since there are more status ailments in this one than the previous title.

Additionally, combat is not as easy this time around. Each bout with an enemy will last a few rounds regardless of your strength. Even using ‘slap’ on various insects and enemies is vital since you can no longer heal or treat status ailments outside of battle. This was definitely the bane of my playthrough – it made everything far more difficult than it needed to be. Gameplay aside, the graphics and sound design put this game over the top.

The story isn’t super compelling and the gameplay can be unforgiving, but you can’t get much more dedication in terms of sticking to an art style than with this game. Its truly in a league of its own.


There’s some good and bad concerning the gameplay and story elements in this part platformer, part dungeon crawler, part JRPG title. But if those aren’t at the top of your list and you’re looking for a thoroughly detailed game sound and art-wise, you’ve found your match.


  • Wonderful use of claymation
  • Combat more fleshed out than in the first Hylics
  • Weird setting but still grounded in themes


  • Relatively straightforward plot despite surreal roots
  • Gameplay can become tedious and boring
  • Some major quality of life improvements missing from first title (buying multiples, no healing out of battle, etc.)

Download Hylics 2


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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