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a game by Dark Lord
Platform: PC (2021)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 9.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Action Games, Action Adventure Games, Top Down Games, Isometric Games, Sci-Fi RPG, Cyberpunk Games

Glitchpunk is a game that I have had my eye on for a while now. I know that it seems like there have been a ton of cyberpunk games released in the last couple of years, but this one looks like it is truly something special. If you like games that are all about balls to the wall action and that have a cool cyberpunk story. Then without a shadow of a doubt, this is a game that has to be on your radar.

I Have A Glitch

While all of the ins and outs of the story have not been showcased yet, what we have seen of Glitchpunk has gotten me very excited. We play as a cool android bounty hunter that is living in this post-apocalyptic cyberpunk style world that is ruled by all of the wrong people. You may be an android, but you have a glitch that lets you go against your programming so you pretty much have free will.

The story in the game is going to progress in different ways depending on how you play it. Will you help out that drug dealer or not? Will you make a decision based on loyalty or getting paid? Those who like sci-fi and cyberpunk are in for a real treat with the story here.

GTA Cyberpunk

The style of the game is 100 percent modeled after the first two Grand Theft Auto games. Glitchpunk has a top-down style. Instead of looking all basic though. They have gone for a very cool and clean art style that has a lot of neon and is also very dark and gritty at the same time. It is impossible not to get some Bladerunner style vibes of the presentation, but Bladerunner if it was rated R!

While the game looks great, it also moves at a very high framerate which is something that I love. As well as being easy on the eyes. They have made sure that the soundtrack is very fitting to this crazy and dangerous cyberpunk world that they have created.

Mayhem, Pure Mayhem!

As well as looking like those older GTA games, Glitchpunk is also taking a page from their playbook in terms of the gameplay too. This is a top-down-style game where you need to shoot first and ask questions later. The game has four different areas and you can make friends with various people, but like in those old GTA games, you favor one too much and you may have issues with someone else.

The variety of the weapons is great and you can also control various vehicles too. These can be used to get around faster, complete missions, or just going on a good old-fashioned killing spree if that is what you are in the mood for.

Anyone who has a lot of nostalgia for those older GTA games (the first two) needs to have Glitchpunk on their watch list. I think that rather than just copying that old formula they have certainly added their own flair to it all. The way the game looks is great and if you want a game that has a ton of action, you are not going to be disappointed by this.


  • The game has a very compelling story
  • Plenty of weapons for you to use
  • The top-down style is really cool
  • There appear to be many choices you can make


  • Will it be too similar to those older GTA games?
  • You really need to be interested in cyberpunk to get into the story I think

Download Glitchpunk


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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