Die After Sunset

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a game by Playstark
Platform: PC (2021)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 9.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Action Games, Action Adventure Games, Funny Games, Best Roguelike Games
Die After Sunset
Die After Sunset
Die After Sunset
Die After Sunset

Die After Sunset is one of the most fun looking rogue lite shooters to be released this year. If you love shooters, you are in for a real treat with this one. While it is skill based, the random nature of the game and the fact it is built around having fun means it is going to be the kind of game where you will die over and over again, but you will be having such a good time you just roll with it! While limited, there is a demo for this out now so be sure to check it out.

Light And Dark

The whole premise of Die After Sunset is a great deal of fun. There are these creatures called, Murkors and while they may look super cute and charming.

In the dark, they turn into these crazy beasts that will rip you apart as soon as look at you. Try and stop the invasion before it gets too out of hand. It may not be super deep with the story, but what is here is a great deal of fun.

Waiting For The Boss

This is a crazy fast 3rd person shooter. You have five levels in a single run and the idea is that you are waiting for the boss. The neat thing is that Die After Sunset has a system where you can delay the boss’s arrival which gives you more time to farm for better stuff so you have an easier time taking him down. If you die… you have to start over. No two runs are ever the same as everything is randomized.

Watch Out For The Dark

The whole light and dark mechanic that is at play here is very clever and not just a gimmick. While tricky, The Murkors are manageable in the light, but in the dark, they are very dangerous. So, if there is an area that you want to get to, but it is covered, you can risk running through it, but as it is dark you could be in a lot of trouble. Die After Sunset is the kind of game where you want to run and gun, but you have to be careful as if you run into the wrong place your run can be over in an instant.

Getting Better Stuff

In between rounds, you get the chance to unlock items, characters, and so on before the next round. You can collect mucus which you can bank to get all kinds of awesome items. There are various challenges you can complete on a run and the more of these you do the cooler stuff you will get. I really like how the game is always pushing you forward with the allure of getting more cool stuff.

Hmm, We Are All Thinking It

Die After Sunset is a great looking game. I like how nice and colorful it all is, but there is one thing about the style of this game and we are all thinking it! This shares a similar look to Fortnite!

I am not saying that is a bad thing, but the comparison is very obvious, still, I do think there is a lot of charm here, especially with the Murkors.


I am having a hard time thinking of a 3rd person shooter that is offering more fun than Die After Sunset. This is a really cool rogue lite style of shooter where even though getting killed is a part of the game, it has so much charm and is so fast-paced that it is not going to make it a frustrating experience. The game is also due to get multiplayer added to it at some point and I cannot wait to play this with my buddies.


  • The setting of the game has a great deal of charm to it
  • I love how it is fast-paced
  • The light and dark mechanic of the game is very clever
  • While it is challenging, it is always throwing stuff your way to help you through


  • Not sure how deep the story is going to be
  • No word on when that multiplayer update will drop

Download Die After Sunset


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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