Born of Bread

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a game by WildArts Studio Inc.
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 8.5/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Exploration Games, 3D Platformer Games, Mystery Games, Best Detective Games, Turn Based RPG
Born of Bread
Born of Bread
Born of Bread
Born of Bread

Brace yourself for the surprisingly touching yet humorously offbeat world of Born of Bread - a new 2.5D fantasy adventure starring none other than a sentient loaf of bread. As Loaf the bread golem, players must tap into magical baking powers to vanquish chaos-spewing villains across a kingdom where saccharine visuals meet slapstick humor. Expect to befriend eccentric characters, laugh heartily, and maybe even shed a tear or two on this doughy hero's epic journey.

A Baked Good Finds His Purpose

In Born of Bread, gamers play as Loaf, an ambling dough golem who wakes one fateful morning to discover he's been magically brought to life! Though understandably puzzled by his pasty limbs and innate dough-based abilities, Loaf greets his first moments of consciousness with childlike optimism and wonder.

However, Loaf soon learns that ancient, otherworldly beings have emerged in his world causing mayhem - putting his fellow anthropomorphic baked goods in jeopardy! Accompanied by Dub, a fast-talking laptop-wielding dragon sidekick, Loaf sets out across diverse environments on a mission to defeat the invaders.

Combat sets Born of Bread apart from the crowd, marrying reflex-based mechanics with strategic choices stemming from elemental weaknesses. Time button prompts perfectly while attacking to maximize damage, then quickly switch to defense when the enemy retaliates! Factor enemy vulnerabilities into decisions as well: for example, Loaf's butter-imbued projectiles work wonders against toast adversaries. The complexity makes for more dynamic turn-based battles.

Beyond Fighting, Foodie Side Activities

While saving the world remains priority one for Loaf, he can pause to partake in mini-games spotlighting his baking brilliance. Whether it be wowing stoic bread judges in a cooking contest or helping estranged dough children reunite with their dough parents, these amusing distractions allow Loaf to do good while giving players delightful tertiary activities bursting with personality.

The moment Loaf first beholds the glistening Bread Sea against a resplendent sunset is truly a marvel - which exemplifies Born of Bread's knack for designing stunning environments. Vibrant colors and mouthwatering food visuals abound, from shimmering lakes of jelly to forests of giant candy canes! Couple the art direction with smooth, expressive character animations and it becomes clear that Born of Bread hits graphical greatness.

While one may expect Born of Bread to focus solely on absurdity, an emotional core grounds the experience. As Loaf meets new friends like the aforementioned Dub, he exhibits genuine care and concern for their struggles that transcends his puerile outlook. Similarly, the writers adeptly balance daffy puns with more serious, character-building moments. This heartfelt element raises Born of Bread above pure parody.

Review: 8.5/10

Born of Bread provides hours of gratifying content blending whimsy, laughs, and surprises with polished presentation and gameplay. Those seeking a comfortingly odd escapade need look no further than Loaf’s adventure - just beware intense cravings for fresh sourdough upon completion!


The visual aspect of the game really stands out and makes it a fun and unique experience with an animation style similar to titles like Cuphead. Going hand in hand with the sweet, quite literally, gameplay mechanics, Born to Bread will give you hours of fun for an accessible price!


  • Endearing characters
  • Beautiful graphics
  • Addictive bread-based gameplay


  • Story loses some steam
  • Repetitive environments
  • Pun humor misses at times

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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