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a game by Leven Liu
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 9/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 8.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: City Building Games, Building Games, RPGs, Survival Games, Pixel Art Games, Crafting Games, Top Down Games, Isometric Games, Best Roguelike Games, Walking Simulator Games, Zombie Games, Post-Apocalyptic Games

Zed Zone is a top-down survival game developed by Levin Liu that immerses players in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies. The game boasts fast-paced gameplay, stunning visuals, and an intriguing storyline that keeps players engaged from start to finish. In this review, I will provide an overview of the game and delve into the gameplay, visuals, and story in detail. For fans of the zombie genre, this is an absolute must play, but there is also a little something else sprinkled in for gamers looking for a bit more of a technological element as well with the introduction of the mysterious mechs. If you want a game that tries something new and nails it, then this is the one to go for. Let’s gear up.


Zed Zone's gameplay is the game's strongest aspect. The game's mechanics are simple and easy to understand, which allows players to focus on the action and strategy. The game has a wide range of weapons, from pistols to shotguns to flamethrowers, each with their unique strengths and weaknesses. The player must strategize which weapons to use against different types of zombies, which makes the gameplay dynamic and exciting.

Players can also use their surroundings to their advantage, such as hiding behind cover or using traps to defeat hordes of zombies. There is also the use of vehicles and base construction which help you escape and defend yourself when things go bad, some things I wish more zombie games had. The game's difficulty increases as players progress through the levels, with stronger and more challenging zombies appearing. I don’t want to give too much away, but keep your eyes peeled for the mechs that also come at you in this post-apocalyptic hellscape.

There are distinct similarities between this game and titles like Dayz. If you like games that can really make you feel helpless and overwhelmed, then you can scarcely do better than ZED ZONE.


Zed Zone's visuals are stunning. The game's post-apocalyptic setting is beautifully realized, with detailed environments and excellent lighting that creates a sense of dread and urgency. The zombies themselves are terrifying, with grotesque designs that are sure to give players nightmares. The game also features impressive particle effects and explosions that make the action sequences even more exciting.

One of the best parts of this title is that its visuals are probably some of the most fitting for zombie survival games like this. It really captures how overwhelmed you can feel, as previously demonstrated by Project Zomboid.


As you would expect with many post-apocalyptic zombie games, there is not much of a story to really latch on to here. But the question is does it really need one? This game has got its concepts down to an art form, and what it wants to be is a vessel for putting you against an unrealistic number of zombies. The old world is gone, the only story that matters is the one you write in the new world.


A fantastic top-down survival zombie game that provides an addictive and unforgettable gameplay experience.


  • Wide range of weapons and strategic options to keep the gameplay fresh
  • Excellent visuals that provide a unique look and brilliant particle effects


  • Games like this can easily feel very overwhelming very quickly, not great for players who struggle with that

Download ZED ZONE


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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