WrestleMania 21

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a game by THQ
Platform: XBox
Editor Rating: 6/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 7.3/10 - 12 votes
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See also: Fighting Games, Sport Games, Arcade Games, WWE Games
WrestleMania 21
WrestleMania 21
WrestleMania 21

Wrestling games and probably boxing games can be a difficult challenge to get right. Basically there are two (or more) opponents in a confined area that are going to fight each other. The problem is the gameplay potential is extremely limited so the fighting elements of the game have to be incredibly engaging. If that doesn't happen, the entire game unravels and spends the rest of its life sitting on your shelf or in the trash. This is exactly where WrestleMania 21 runs head first into a wall and although the game isn't a complete disaster, the more important aspects of its gameplay cripples its potential.

From the surface, WrestleMania 21 appears polished and promising. The graphics are better then average with detailed wrestlers and fairly decent animations. There are also numerous different modes to select from including a career mode that opens the game up to more then playing one match after another.

Unfortunately the polished feel doesn't penetrate throughout the game and once you begin a match, the problems begin. The biggest issue for me was the AI. I'm telling you it seems like the AI took one too many chairs to the head. Wrestlers often face the wrong direction and start trying to grapple or appear dazed and confused. Adding to the frustration, it's often difficult to get a feel for the physical limitations of the wrestler. This becomes problematic, as it's hard to jump on your opponent for instance as often you'll miss and hit the ground even when he appears to be directly in front of you. There are numerous other situations like this causing various levels of frustration.

WrestleMania 21 probably isn't going to keep your interest long. Don't get me wrong, there have been much worse wrestling games released, and I realize the wrestling games are limited for the Xbox but if I were you, I wait until the next wrestling game come out.

Download WrestleMania 21


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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