Vade Retro : Exorcist

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a game by Forceight
Platform: PC (2022)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Action Adventure Games, Action Games, Horror Games, Survival Games, Co-op Games, Multiplayer Games, Magic Games
Vade Retro : Exorcist
Vade Retro : Exorcist
Vade Retro : Exorcist
Vade Retro : Exorcist

Being a huge fan of horror movies, Vade Retro: Exorcist is a game that I have been keeping a close eye on for a while now. This is a PvP style of game and it is the kind of game that my friends and I would have a ton of fun with during one of our online game nights. If you are a fan of horror and love a good jump scare, you are sure to get a huge kick out of this game. I wanted to take a closer look at it today to try and get more people excited about it.

Go To Hell!

I am not exactly sure how story driven Vade Retro: Exorcist is going to be, but the idea of the game is that you either play as one of three characters that are trying to survive and send a demon back to hell. Or, you can play as the demon as you stalk the other players and try to send them to hell. As you can see, the theme of the game is pretty much hell and as a horror fan, that is awesome. I get a similar kind of vibe that I get from The Insidious and The Conjuring movies from this game.

Stay Classy People!

Vade Retro: Exorcist is a four-player game. You either play on the team of good or as the demon. The demon has various supernatural abilities that they can use to move around the map and kill the other players. The “human” players can pick from one of three different classes. There is the classic priest who has supernatural abilities of their own and can summon spirits to fight the demon. There is the medic who can use their skills to heal and help the other players and then we have the engineer who uses their tech skills and gear to help the team find, locate and subdue the demon. I think that it will be fun to try out all of the classes and it does feel like each one of them has a specific purpose.

Surviving The Night!

As the game is a three vs one kind of deal, things in Vade Retro: Exorcist are going to get pretty hectic. It is a horror game, but there is also a fair bit of action going on here too. The game takes place in a very creepy looking house, but there are different maps that you can play on which may help keep things interesting. I do think that adding more maps to the game in the coming months after release would be a great way to help keep things fresh. You can get new spells, potions and other items to help you as you play the game too which is a great way to keep the player invested.


We have some great horror games coming out in 2022, but Vade Retro: Exorcist is one of the more interesting ones out there. I love to play online with my friends and as we are all horror fans, I am certain that this will be one that we all have a great deal of fun with. It has a good mixture of horror and action when it comes to the gameplay and also letting players play the role of a demon is pretty awesome too.


  • This is a horror based three vs one game and that is awesome
  • There are four classes (including the demon) to play as
  • I get some major horror movie vibes from the style of the game
  • This is going to be a lot of fun to play with your friends


  • I do wonder just how much story there will be in the game
  • Will the maps get repetitive after a while?

Download Vade Retro : Exorcist


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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See Also

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