The Coffin of Andy and Leyley

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a game by Nemlei
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 10/10, based on 1 review, 2 reviews are shown
User Rating: 9.2/10 - 5 votes
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See also: Horror Games, Early Access Games, Puzzle Games, Story-Rich Games, Games Where Choices Matter, Hand-Drawn Games
The Coffin of Andy and Leyley
The Coffin of Andy and Leyley
The Coffin of Andy and Leyley
The Coffin of Andy and Leyley

The Coffin of Andy and Leyley is so close to being on my list for the game of the year 2023! The only thing holding it off is that this is an episodic game and so far, only the first two chapters are released. The other two I would assume will be coming early next year so I would probably put this game on my game of the year 2024 list when it is all done. To be fair, they do list the game as being in early access, but the episodic nature of how the story unfolds does not make the fact the game is not yet complete seem as bad.

A Sister And A Brother

The story of The Coffin of Andy and Leyley is dark and twisted and I mean really dark and twisted. We have cannibalism, the occult, and even incest! It is not a game for those who are easily offended or turned off by messed up stuff. Our main characters are the sister and brother duo of Ashley and Andrew Graves. They are stuck in the house together and turn to cannibalism to survive, but that is just the start of their troubles.

They Did What???

This game has such a great story that I do not know what to say in order to keep it spoiler free! The Coffin of Andy and Leyley sees our two terrible protagonists on the run, make no mistake about it these are bad people. Ashley is a real piece of work who manipulates her brother to get him to do what she wants, even though she has major worries of abandonment as far as he is concerned. Andrew at first seems like a complete doormat, but by the time you get to the end of the second chapter, you realize that he is not quite what he seems, plus he has a very unhealthy attraction to his sister!

A Very Dark Humor

While the story of The Coffin of Andy and Leyley is very dark and twisted, it also has humorous moments as well. The terrible stuff that these two do tends to go wrong more times than not! The scene where they off their parents is a huge highlight of the game for me and a great example of the twisted humor the game has. It also has bits of backstory that show our terrible twosome as kids with a rather brutal scene involving a girl that had the hots for Andrew and Ashley’s refusal to let someone like that come between them. The art of the game is done in a pixel art style and while the story is messed up, the game is not as graphic as you would think.

No Wrong Answers!

There is a ton of replay value in a game like The Coffin of Andy and Leyley. The story can progress in many ways, during my second playthrough I made sure to have multiple save slots so I could try and see all the different outcomes. You take control of both Ashley and Andrew and the “gameplay” has you moving around each area, trying to find the right items, solving puzzles, and making dialogue choices. From what I experienced, there was technically no wrong way to do things as the game always progressed, even when I thought I made a mistake. It makes it a game that is not just fun to play through, but a game that is a lot of fun to discuss with other like minded dark souls who get a kick out of this type of game.


I watched the trailer for The Coffin of Andy and Leyley and I was sure it was going to be a game that I enjoyed, but I was shocked at how engrossed I got into this. I will say again that this is a messed-up story with two pretty deplorable protagonists, but when you are playing as cannibals who dabbled in the occult what do you expect. I had a fantastic time with this, it well and truly got its hooks into me and I cannot wait for the other two chapters to be released. Even without the other two chapters being released, this is pretty much a perfect game for me.


  • This is one very dark and twisted story
  • Even with just two chapters, this is incredible
  • It is very interesting to play as two dark and awful people
  • The pixel art style is very well done


  • The subject matter may be a bit too much for some people
  • Some may be shocked that it is not as graphic as you would think

Download The Coffin of Andy and Leyley


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

The Coffin of Andy and Leyley is an adventure game with elements of a visual novel, where the laws of morality cease to apply while Andrew and Ashley's faces flash on the screen. A brother and sister having a cute time together. There's no food and something has to be done about it. Going to the store is too stressful, so let's stop by the house next door and borrow meat from its inhabitants. Cannibalism, incest and other fun activities are waiting for their star hour.

Pros of the game:

  • A grim atmosphere mixed with the same humor
  • The opportunity to step into the love line
  • Your choices can have a dramatic effect on the plot

Snapshots and Media

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