Rescue Party: Live!

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a game by Tag Studio
Platform: PC (2021)
Editor Rating: 7/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 9.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Best Casual Games, Co-op Games, Multiplayer Games
Rescue Party: Live!
Rescue Party: Live!
Rescue Party: Live!

As a child, we can almost guarantee that at one stage you wanted to be a fireman, a police officer, a paramedic. Someone that answered the call to action and sailed into the face of danger to rescue those in danger. Well, what if you could do that in one of the most frantic settings ever, against others and against clock? Well, firstly we would say, that’s a little bit dark isn’t it. But there’s cute characters and vibrant colours so it’s all ok, it’s Rescue Party: Live.

This game plays like other frantic co-op games like Overcooked, Crooks Like Us, Castle crashers, It Takes Two, Pummel Party and Gang Beasts. This game gives you the ability to role play as a hero, saving those in danger from peril. However, can this game save itself from a poor review score? We find out in our review of Rescue Party: Live.

Be A Hero!

Let’s begin with the visuals for this game. To be very frank and to the point, this is Overcooked with a new theme and premise and this translates to the visuals. Now, that’s not to say that its a bad thing. In fact, when it comes to games of this nature, you would argue that straying from the Overcooked formula would be asking for failure. What we are saying here is that the visuals aren’t revolutionary but they are good, the animations are slick, the environments are fun and dynamic and as a whole, it just works.

The gameplay is, once again, much like Overcooked. You are on a timer and you will need to get all of your in-danger targets to safety. Where it differs from Overcooked is that you’ll have to work with others to traverse areas and clear obstacles that are unique to the characters role. It’s a fun quirk but when you boil it all down, it doesn’t do a lot to make this game stand out on it’s own.

Then as for the story aspects of this game. It’s a level based format that allows players to play through sections and get high scores and stars that will let them progress further in the game. It’s a solid profession system, if a little predictable and the game does offer cosmetic options which is another reason to keep playing if you are that way inclined. Again, nothing special but fitting.

The Verdict

Do you like Overcooked? Do you want more of that content in a slightly different format? Well then Rescue Party: Live is just the ticket. It stays true to its inspiration, it adds some quirks and changes that convince the teachers that they are in fact not just copying Team17’s homework. Then they make sure the game is made with enough finesse that it can compete with the Overcooked series. In short, if you are looking for something new and unique then keep looking.


However, if you want more of the same made with the same level of quality, you are in luck.


  • Looks and plays brilliantly
  • On par with it’s competitors
  • Decent progression system
  • Fun level design


  • Doesn’t have much of a story
  • Copies Overcooked’s homework

Download Rescue Party: Live!


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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See Also

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