
Download Ooblets and explore a whimsical world filled with cute creatures and delightful farming adventures! Grow your own adorable Ooblets, build a thriving farm, and make friends in the charming town. Get ready for endless fun – play now!
a game by Glumberland
Platform: PC (2020)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 9.5/10 - 4 votes
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See also: Life Simulation Games, Management Games, Games Like Persona 5, Time Management Games, Games Like Pokemon

Nowadays a lot of people know Epic Games primarily for their huge success-hit Fortnite, but of course, they've published a lot of great games. Ooblets is one of their latest titles, and while it's nothing at all like Fortnite, it's still a promising title. If you had to describe it in just a few words really fast you could go by what the developers say to sum it up. Ooblets is a game inspired by Pokémon, Harvest Moon, and Animal Crossing. Having said that you could already guess what this game's about. So, let's talk about the game as it is right now.

The new face in town

As you're the newest person in town, you'll be joining one of many Ooblets clubs there are, and you'll also introduce yourself to all the townsfolk. The colorful, bright, and lively town is popping with cute creatures all around, and you'll be working to make this town even a nicer place.

But don't worry, you'll find it all very familiar with the games mentioned before, so even though everything is new, you'll feel at home.

Hard work pays off

This town is bright and pretty, but you're here to make it even better. Work hard to raise a farm, shake the trees to gather fruits, plant vegetables, collect mushrooms, water the flowers, and even do the weeding. It sounds like a lot of work, and it actually is, so it's only natural that your character does get tired. Be sure to take a rest and even a nap to get back some energy. YOu can also prepare or buy some snacks that will help you replenish your energy.

Friendly Battles

Even though everything in this game is colorful and all about making friends, there is actually a battle system implemented. But don't worry, no one gets hurt in here, you play dance battles to get Ooblets you don't want around out of town. It's not a serious battle, but instead, a fun dance-off where you play with a deck of cards. Play your cards wisely to win these battles, you can get buffs, special moves, and key moves that will give you more points and earn a victory.

Work and play do pay

When you complete daily tasks you actually get paid with gummies, the in-game currency. But you can also earn Wishies, these can be used at the Wishywell to get special crafting recipes to build more objects and cool things to make your town prettier.

To earn wishes you also have to level up your friendship with the townsfolk but don't worry, this mostly means checking on them daily.


It’s not easy to judge a game out of the early version available. Things can change a lot from now and up to the full release. However, from what we’ve got right now, we can safely say this is one of the comfiest games you can get. There are a lot of things to do, and building a routine is easy, and yet it isn’t monotone or repetitive. There are plenty of tasks and you can find new things to do daily. The in-game days are long enough to make sure that the daily tasks don’t feel cramped and the gameplay is comfy and warm. It’s perfect for those days when you need a lift in energy and an overall nice, comfy time.


  • Beautiful visuals
  • Great designs
  • Fun gameplay
  • Warm, cozy, and happy
  • Feels good to play
  • A lot of cool mechanics
  • Tons of reasons to keep playing


  • Still in early access

Download Ooblets


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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