Nightmare School -Lost Girls-

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a game by Tsuyoi Ko
Platform: PC (2020)
Editor Rating: 7/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 7.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Eroge Games, Lewd Horror Games, School Setting Porn Games
Nightmare School -Lost Girls-
Nightmare School -Lost Girls-
Nightmare School -Lost Girls-
Nightmare School -Lost Girls-

Today we are looking at Nightmare School -Lost Girls- which is a top down RPG game with a horror theme. Being a big horror fan, this game caught my attention and I decided to spend a bit of time with it and see if it was any good. Well, right off the bat I can tell you that it is ok. It is not the best horror RPG I have played, but as it only took me around an hour or so to see all that it had to offer, I did not mind the experience I had with it and think it could be worth your time checking out.

Two Very Different Girls

One of the things that I thought was interesting about Nightmare School -Lost Girls- was the premise of the story. We have a high school setting, but before you roll your eyes about this hear me out. We have two main characters in this game and they are very different. On one hand, we have Sayaka Saitou who is the resident bad girl of the school and pretty much does what she wants and everyone stays out of her way. We then have Mio Shimizu who is the complete opposite, she is an honor student, and at a glance, these two would never have anything to do with each other.

Entering The Upside Down

Yes, that was a Stranger Things reference and it is very fitting when talking about Nightmare School -Lost Girls-. You see, these two girls who are not exactly what you would call “friends” are going to have to work together as they have been sucked into another nightmarish dimension where their school is now overrun by monsters. I think that the story has some real potential here, but the translation is a bit rough so it is kind of hard to get fully invested. I think with a native English speaking editor, they could have had something pretty awesome here.

Making Me Work For My XP

As far as the gameplay of Nightmare School -Lost Girls- goes, what we have here is a very basic RPG Maker style of top down RPG. This is a very, very simple RPG and the only real challenge comes from the slow rate at which you earn XP. I found an exploit though and that was through this strange recycling gimmick where I could earn XP faster than by losing battles. Losing battles happens a lot at the start as the monsters are way stronger than you. You can breeze through the game in around an hour and a fair chunk of that is grinding.

Welcome To Creepy High!

Just like the gameplay, the presentation of Nightmare School -Lost Girls- is right around what you would expect for a game that is made with RPG Maker and that is not a bad thing. The top down view has some charm to it and I think that they were kind of creative with our two main characters and the creatures that make up this game world. There are some character portraits too which are well done and help give the girls a bit more personality.


While I would not say that Nightmare School -Lost Girls- is one of the greatest horror games I have ever played or even one of the greatest games that is made with RPG Maker for that matter. I still did enjoy my time with this and I think that the story had some major potential in that they had a neat premise and two characters that I did find interesting. I would love for the developer to come back to this and give the game a bit more polish and re-write the story a bit too.


  • The game has two interesting main characters
  • I liked the premise of the story
  • The character portraits are well done
  • It does not take up much of your time


  • The story is very hard to follow due to the translation
  • The grind for XP is what takes up most of your time

Download Nightmare School -Lost Girls-


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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