Naughty Bear

Download Naughty Bear and embrace your mischievous side! Plot hilarious pranks, take revenge on the other bears, and become the naughtiest bear of all. Experience the wild, zany fun of Naughty Bear and play now!
a game by Artificial Mind and Movement
Platforms: XBox 360, Playstation 3 (2010)
Editor Rating: 6.7/10, based on 3 reviews, 2 reviews are shown
User Rating: 6.9/10 - 25 votes
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See also: Action Games, Action Adventure Games
Naughty Bear
Naughty Bear
Naughty Bear

Looking for a fluff-filled action game to play? Then you might have heard of Naughty Bear. The game itself was developed by Artificial Mind and Movement and was published by 505 Games. Comparisons to are pretty numerous, with all manner of games of the era following a similar-ish approach to action-adventure. At its heart, though, the game follows something akin to what you might expect from Bully. Is it any good, though? Or has the decade-plus since release made its stitching show through a little too much?

Fluffy thrills for all?

The game itself is set in a fictional version of the 1980s on an island called Perfection Island. Everything is good: the bears are happy, and everyone lives in peaceful charm. It’s like what we imagine a kids toy shop looks like once the shutters go down at night. However, you take the role of Naughty Bear; a shabby little bear who likes to be evil and do things the wrong way.

The other bears tend to shun him, and so he decided that he might decide to try and make things a little, well, rough for the rest of the bears. It’s narrated by someone with the devilish charm of a child with an imagination gone wild, and it makes the whole thing sound like a kind of kids TV show…that no child would ever watch lest they wish to shred their innocence.

A sign of the unimaginative times

Despite having a comical idea behind it, the game itself flatters to deceive in just about every way imaginable. The game itself was received in rather lukewarm fashion upon arrival, and has done little to improve that feedback since then.

The game has an interesting world and some unique characters, but its actual gameplay feels stodgy and wooden. It’s comically fun for about an hour but the game becomes quite repetitive and loses much of its charm. The game lacks unicity in the visuals, too, with lots of repeated areas and a real lack of innovation when it comes to building a more diverse world.

The ‘mayhem’ that you are supposed to be causing, too, is very limited in imagination and in terms of the end results. While most of the time you are doing little other than trying to best your previous high score, its control scheme makes it hard to build any fluency or consistency to the way that you play the game.


Add in shocking camera angles that were poor even for the time and a storyline that quickly loses any of its humour and charm, and you are left with a pretty poor gaming experience. It seemed mostly aimed at mischievous kids, but it lacks the invention and quality to really pull off any of its many interesting ideas.


  • Funny idea with an interesting premise


  • The premise itself falls flat on its face
  • Poor quality controls and awful camera angles
  • Lacks polish and can quickly become very repetitive

Download Naughty Bear

XBox 360

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
Playstation 3

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

Teddy bears are the world's cutest toys, but that's not true, and Naughty Bear, the hero of the action-adventure game of the same name, will prove it to you. There is no place for a non-ideal bear on the perfect island? Then you need to make it chaotic for everyone.

Bullying in a perfect society

Naughty Bear lives quietly on Perfection Island with the other teddy bears. Except that while all the others are perfect, without a single visible seam or with intact ears, Naughty Bear looks like a bear that has been battered by time and children. That is why the main character becomes the object of harassment. But the pure-hearted Naughty Bear has never paid attention to the cruel jokes of others. Until one moment...

Island Mayhem

One of the islanders was having a holiday party. Everyone on the island was invited except Naughty Bear. However, the hero was not desperate and even prepared a gift for the birthday boy, which he mocked. Naughty Bear was not desperate this time too, deciding to kill everyone who was at the party. A Grand Theft Auto of sorts, but with bears. Kill the birthday boy's guests in three locations on the island:

  • The Disco
  • The Factory & Tea Rooms
  • The Cabin

Explore the areas to gain achievements and collectibles.

Bloody Levels

Naughty Bear has successfully completed his mission to destroy the abusers, as the next incident immediately dumps salt on the wound again. The new mayor of the city is about to kill Naughty Bear. However, Naughty Bear already knows how he will deal with it. There will be several massacres of bears like this. Even though it's random, the game has carefully divided Bear's adventures into levels.

Killing also takes skill

Even Naughty Bear hasn't always been the perfect fighter. You can help him on his way to perfection. Get points for combos and good kills, and power up Naughty Bear so that he can turn every bear into a pile of stuffing. To do this, you need to pump the following talents:

  • Vitality Score
  • Marksmanship
  • Speed

For finding all the hidden achievements Naughty Bear unlocks his other personalities, which increase his base stats and change the appearance of the bear himself.


Take revenge, save the island from alien invaders, and just enjoy the genocide of teddy bears in Naughty Bear, CJ's teddy bear game.

Snapshots and Media

XBox 360 Screenshots

Playstation 3 Screenshots

See Also

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