Jerry Wanker and the Quest to get Laid

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a game by Ktulhu Solutions
Platform: PC (2022)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Nudity Category, Funny Games, Puzzle Games, Point-and-Click Quests
Jerry Wanker and the Quest to get Laid
Jerry Wanker and the Quest to get Laid
Jerry Wanker and the Quest to get Laid
Jerry Wanker and the Quest to get Laid

How can you look at a title like Jerry Wanker and the Quest to get Laid and not be intrigued as to what the hell this is? This is a lewd point-and-click adventure style of game that has a fantastic sense of humor. It is clearly inspired by some of the greats of the genre from the 80s and 90s. The fact that the game is not taking itself too seriously is a huge reason as to why I am very excited for the developers to get this fully finished so I can help my boy Jerry finally get some action!

Welcome To Blue Ball Falls

The setting for Jerry Wanker and the Quest to get Laid is a town called, Blue Ball Falls. That is an awesome name for a town by the way. Jerry is our main character and he is not exactly the most popular guy in town, actually, people think he is a loser!

Well, Jerry has some smarts, and thanks to the internet who knows all there is to know about sex. There is a big bash happening at a creepy mansion where all the sexy babes and cool people of Blue Balls Falls are going to be, Jerry needs to get in there and show these ladies that he knows what he is doing.

Honoring The Greats

I think that the story in Jerry Wanker and the Quest to get Laid sounds like so much fun, it is impossible not to want to play this game. I really like how the people behind the game were clearly inspired by the likes of Leisure Suit Larry and other classic point-and-click adventure games that were known for their wicked sense of humor. What I like about this though is that they also have a bit of modern comedy in here too with me getting some major American Pie and Superbad vibes from the comedy.

If I Put This With That, Can I Get Laid?

The gameplay here is that of your typical point-and-click adventure game. I like how while the town thinks that Jerry is not cool and lame, he is actually cooler and more confident than a protagonist usually is in a game like this. You will have to move around each screen, find items, use items, solve puzzles, chat with people, and so on. From what I have seen, it looks to follow the typical formula of a game like this, but I am more than ok with that as they seem to know exactly what they are doing.

Drawing Out Of The Lines

As well as the amusing name, Jerry Wanker and the Quest to get Laid is probably going to capture people’s attention thanks to the incredible presentation. This is like you are playing through a naughty late night comedy cartoon that would be on Adult Swim or Netflix. The artwork here is stunning and the characters look great with more than a few faces that seem familiar. The lewd content here that I have seen is great too and it all has a lot of humor about it which is something I really do like.

Many people have a hard time when it comes to lewd point-and-click adventure games in getting over the classic Leisure Suit Larry games and I can get that to a degree.


However, I think more people need to give the modern crop a fair chance and Jerry Wanker and the Quest to get Laid is the perfect game for you to do that. This may not be trying anything radically new from a gameplay point of view from what I can tell. However, this is clearly made with a lot of love and it looks like the kind of game that everyone who gives it a chance is going to have a great time with.


  • I really do like Jerry as the main character
  • This game has some fantastic hand-drawn art that brings it to life
  • The writing is very witty and very clever
  • If you like the lewd point-and-click adventure games of the 80s and 90s, you will love this!


  • They have not given any indication of when the full release will be
  • The humor may be a tad too XXX for some folks!

Download Jerry Wanker and the Quest to get Laid


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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