Hell is Others

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a game by Strelka Games, and Yonder
Platform: PC (2022)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 8.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Horror Games, Survival Games, Co-op Games, Multiplayer Games, Top Down Games, Isometric Games, Co-Op Horror Games
Hell is Others
Hell is Others
Hell is Others
Hell is Others

Now, this is my kind of game, Hell is Others is a top-down looter shooter kind of game that is quite unique in its game design. It has some rogue-like and RPG elements too and it is a game that is all about offering a balls to the wall PVPVE kind of experience for players. It has an arcade feel to it all and it is the kind of game where you will be saying to yourself, “just one more run” over and over again until you realize that you have been playing the game all night!

The Nightmare That Is Century City

The main character is a guy called, Adam and he lives in a horrific place called Century City. In Hell is Others, he has to leave the safety of his little apartment to head down into the hell below where “The Others” lay in wait as well as all kinds of other nasty creatures, the Others are basically the other human players. Why does he risk leaving his apartment? Well, blood is the currency in this world and Adam has plants and these plants need a steady supply of blood.

Top-Down Shooter Action

This game is fast, frantic, and very crazy. Hell is Others plays like a standard top-down shooter, but man does your head need to be on a swivel here? Every other player in the game that you encounter wants the same blood that you do and there are various nasty enemies that want to kill you, just because that is what they like to do. The shooting mechanics feel great and there is some real twitch style gameplay here. The idea is that you will do a run and then find the elevator to get back to your opponent. If you do not make it to the elevator in time, you lose what you have earned! Also, if another player kills you, they can take what you have on you!

Blood Makes The Plants Grow

While the plants need blood to grow, Hell is Others has a cool twist where the blood and the plants are tied into the progression of the game. You see you collect blood and then you give it to the plants and then they can grow. However, you can also get extra stuff (special fertilizer for example) that you can give them and this will allow the plants to start producing special kinds of ammo for you to use on your next run. This is a neat and a fun way to make you take more risks when you are playing so that you can get more stuff for your plants so that they reward you better.

A Pixel Hell Hole!

The visuals of Hell is Others are something that I like, but I have a feeling that the visuals will be a thing that you either really like or are not too hot on. I like how dark and disturbing everything is, but there have been many other top-down shooters that use pixel art and that does mean that this one visually at least may get lost in the shuffle a bit. The bits of story that are progressed with the pixel art are very well done, however.


If you enjoy top-down shooters then you have to make sure that Hell is Others is on your radar. I like how the action in this game is fast and frantic, but you are also rewarded for taking risks as you may get what you need to ensure your plants can grow you some cool and more powerful ammo. This is a game that will well and truly get its hooks into you once you start playing it.


  • I am getting a real kick out of the story being told here
  • It is a great game to play if you want to compete with others
  • The whole blood gimmick is something I think is really cool
  • Games like this can be very addictive


  • If top-down shooters are not usually your jam, I do not see this winning you over
  • Even though I love pixel art, I have seen a lot of games use this art style over the last few years

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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