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a game by 10 Chambers Collective
Platform: PC (2019)
Editor Rating: 9/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 9.0/10 - 4 votes
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See also: Horror Games, First Person Shooter Games, Hardcore Games, Games Like Warhammer 40,000: Darktide, Games Like Dead by Daylight, Games Like Friday the 13th

Are you a big fan of survival horror games? Then GTFO by 10 Chambers Collective is for you. You play a prisoner, in a team of four, sent into an underground complex infested by terrifying monsters to locate a cache for the mysterious ‘Warden’.

Atmospheric Pressure

If I can give any example of an incredibly executed gameplay atmosphere; it’s this one. GTFO’s use of lighting, fog and sound design give it a place in one of the scariest games I’ve ever played. Given that it’s multiplayer, if you can get your friends in on the team, you’ll have a lot of creepy fun. Thanks to the games solid design and bug free gameplay, there is little to detract from the atmosphere, no moments of brevity or humour that isn’t supplied by the players, this is key to keeping the player engaged and free from illusion breaking mishaps.

After the game begins and the team is lowered into a large subterranean installation known as The Complex, they are left absolutely alone. Thanks to the world look to “Creepy industrial,” takes away any moments of familiarity that could help the player ground themselves in calmness. This along with not knowing what the cache is or where it’s located, dodging all the monsters and creeping through the levels all contribute to a horrible panicky feeling that really sets the tone of the game perfectly.

In GTFO, the party can really defend themselves; it’s a far departure from games like Outlast which thrive on a similar atmosphere and design. In Outlast, you are helpless and your best bet is to sneak all the way to the safe spaces. In GTFO, you have guns, ammo and a big ol’ hammer and in giving you those items, the game gives you a fighting chance so you don’t feel helpless all the way through, as that can be a very tiring experience.

A Scarce Resource

The average ‘expedition’ in the game lasts around an hour. It feels like several when you’re in there. One of the best parts of the game is the resources, or lack thereof. Not only can it be quite difficult to come by any more ammo or health packs but their location changes each time you play. Although the levels are set, the randomization of the resources once again allows for the atmosphere of uncertainty to set in.

There is a lack of a progression system or any new weapons, which some could consider a bad thing. I, however, believe it adds to the point of the game. Not only is the playing field completely fair for yourself and your allies but you success relies on your skill and competency. Not on some fancy experimental weapon with a ridiculous skin and grip attachment.

Unique Look

The style and atmosphere of the game is not unique; it’s a tried and tested formula. The games consistency and mastery of that style and atmosphere is absolutely something special. One thing that grabbed me is the design of the monsters and there are a few different types and they all fit the look and feel of the game so well.


I cannot overstate how much of a homerun this game is, even though it’s not a full release, it really knows what its doing and shines in its field. I truly look forward to seeing where it goes from here on out.


  • Incredible creepy atmosphere
  • Creative enemies
  • Randomized elements improve replay value


  • Lack of character progression
  • Sometimes enemies hear you way too quickly

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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