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a game by Rubicon Development
Platform: PC (2012)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Best Indie Games, Strategy Games, Turn Based RPG, Games Like Advance Wars

Every video game should have a title that's as self-explanatory as Great Big War Game. In this turn-based strategy title, players take control of a small army led by the Generalissimo, who introduces them to the art of war. Simple fun and simply fun, Great Big War Game acts as the perfect introduction to the turn-based strategy genre.

Though a bit barebones for some of the more demanding players, there's a unique charm to this game's simplicity that's difficult to overlook. For younger players, and parents looking to share their hobbies with their kids, Great Big War Game works as a fantastic tutorial for larger titles.

Color Warfare

Much like the Advance Wars series, Great Big War Game is a rather simple turn-based strategy game where players amass tiny armies and fight each other on land, air, and sea. Don't expect a complex narrative or Metal Gear Solid levels of plot here: everything in this game has a distinct tongue-in-cheek tone that goes great with its overall presentation.

Some might call the look of the game "dated," but I prefer to say it's "unique." From its cartoonish units to its toy-like terrains, there's a good amount of charm put into anything in Great Big War Game. Some areas could use a bit more polish, that's for sure, but it doesn't affect the gameplay experience at all.

Missions and Skirmishes

Even though the game's narrative is not its strongest suit, there's a campaign mode with over fifty hours of gameplay to be had. Every map and every mission feels appropriately challenging, displaying a good understanding of what a learning curve should look like. The cartoony visuals and overall easy difficulty also make the game especially good for younger players.

Once you're done with the campaign, however, the real fun begins. Skirmishes are, essentially, the game's "free play" mode. Players can choose whichever units they want for them and the AI and then pick from a selection of previously unlocked maps to take their units to war. This is, without a doubt, the most entertaining gameplay mode in the entire game – which is fitting, since it's also where most players will spend most of their time.

Multiplayer Battlefields

At first glance, it might seem as if the inclusion of asynchronous multiplayer was a must for this game. However, when we take into account just how flawed the game's multiplayer can be, it might have been better if Great Big War Game stayed as a single-player-only experience.

From connection issues to the archaic data packets system, Great Big War Game seems to be stuck in the 90s with its online multiplayer mode. Still, you can ignore this mode completely and still have a great time with this title, especially if games like Advance Wars and X-Com are your cup of tea.


Great Big War Game might feature a severely dated online multiplayer mode, but the single-player experience makes up for it with its quirky characters and engaging gameplay.


  • Charming visuals
  • Entertaining campaign mode
  • Nearly endless replayability thanks to the many skirmishes available


  • Might be too easy for some players
  • Archaic online multiplayer
  • Some lackluster character models and terrain textures



System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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PC Screenshots

See Also

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