Ghostrunner 2

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a game by ONE MORE LEVEL
Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Action Games, Strategy Games, Hack and Slash Games, Sci-Fi RPG, Ninja Games, Cyberpunk Games
Ghostrunner 2
Ghostrunner 2
Ghostrunner 2
Ghostrunner 2

I was shocked when Ghostrunner 2 was announced. I thought that the first game was fantastic and just a whole lot of cyberpunk infused katana swinging fun. It really did appeal to me and I had a blast with it, actually, I have played through it on both PC and PlayStation 5 as I enjoyed it so much. Anyway, I think the sequel is shaping up to be even better as they are taking what made that first game so awesome and making it even better, that to me is what all good sequels should do.

Stopping An AI Cult

The story being told in Ghostrunner 2 takes place after the events of the first game where we stormed Dharma Tower and took down The Keymaster who was ruling over it with an iron and sadistic twist. This time, the story takes us outside of the tower where this brutal and violent AI cult that needs to be stopped in order for humanity to survive and thrive. It is awesome cyberpunk sci-fi stuff and that is what has me the most excited! I cannot wait to see more of this world that was created in the first game.

On The Front Foot

If you played the first game, you know just how fast paced, crazy, and exciting it was. Ghostrunner 2 is taking that same first-person platforming hack and slash gameplay and expanding on it. We are still running forward to our goal of stopping this AI cult. However, they have opened things up considerably here with a much larger world and the chance to do a bit of exploration. Plus, there are these badass motorcycle settings that look like they are pure adrenaline! They have just taken what they did with that first game and built upon it and I am so glad that is the direction they have taken here.

Your Own Kind Of Slicing And Dicing

The core gameplay of Ghostrunner 2 is epic. However, there are a lot of ways that you can cater your experience to suit your own style. We now have more skills to play around with, and more choice in the way we tackle enemies and bosses. One thing that I have read which sounds very cool about this game is that the enemy AI will change how it tackles you depending on the skills that you have set. The boss fights in particular look amazing! Rather than being linear which they kind of were before, they have been made so that you have a lot of freedom in how you decide to go about taking them down.

So Much Style To Go With All That Substance

Okay, forget Ghostrunner 2 for a second, we have to go back to the original game. While I loved the gameplay, it was the cyberpunk setting and style that made me take an interest in that first game. In this sequel, it has that same epic cyberpunk style, but it looks even better. Lots of bright lights, creepy dark areas, and futuristic looking stuff all around. The breathtaking and fast moving visuals are accompanied by this awesome synthwave soundtrack that features some well known artists from the genre with some new songs made just for this game which is awesome!


As you can tell I am so pumped to play Ghostrunner 2! I loved the first game and I think that this is going to be even better. I am not exaggerating when I say that I have done everything that you can possibly do in the demo that is currently available. If you loved the first game, you are going to freak out big time over how much bigger and better this one is. This to me is a perfect example of how to do a sequel right!


  • I am loving the direction that the story is going
  • We get to explore the world beyond the tower
  • I love how there are new skills and gameplay mechanics
  • The visuals and sound are fantastic, especially if you dig cyberpunk!


  • I do feel like you will need to have played the first game to get the most out of this
  • The game is quite challenging so that may put some players off

Download Ghostrunner 2


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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