Fate/Samurai Remnant

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Platform: PC (2023)
Editor Rating: 9/10, based on 1 review
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See also: Anime Games, RPGs, JRPG Games, Samurai Games
Fate/Samurai Remnant
Fate/Samurai Remnant
Fate/Samurai Remnant
Fate/Samurai Remnant

Welcome to Fate/Samurai: Remnant, a stunning game brought to us by TYPE-MOON and KOEI TECMO GAMES. Transporting us to the heart of the Edo Period, this captivating action RPG offers a unique blend of historical authenticity and fantastical battles, all set against the backdrop of a fierce Holy Grail War. Step into the shoes of Miyamoto Iori and join the fray as seven pairs of Masters and Servants vie for supremacy in a battle that will shape destiny itself.


Fate/Samurai Remnant introduces an exhilarating gameplay experience where players become ensnared in the intricate dance between Masters and their Servants. Set against the canvas of the Waxing Moon Ritual, this game delivers a unique vantage point that immerses players in a battle of epic proportions. The seamless switch between controlling the Master, Iori, and his Servant, Saber, adds a layer of tactical depth rarely seen in RPGs. Engage in heart-pounding battles against enemy Servants and colossal monsters, unleashing an array of strategic Link Strikes and Affinity Techniques to shift the balance of combat in your favor. This dynamic duo of Master and Servant harmonizes perfectly, offering players the chance to rewrite history through their actions on the battlefield.

Fate/Samurai Remnant seamlessly weaves influences from titles like Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4, with its captivating combat dynamics, and takes cues from One Piece: World Seeker in its open-world exploration of Edo's vibrant towns. Just as Yakuza 6: The Song of Life skillfully marries gameplay and narrative, this game entwines the roles of Master and Servant, crafting an experience that resonates with the best aspects of these renowned titles while forging its own unique identity.


The visual grandeur of Fate/Samurai Remnant serves as a testament to the attention to detail and artistic finesse of the development team. The meticulously crafted Edo towns, featuring traditional houses, samurai abodes, and bustling districts, breathe life into the historical period. This commitment to authenticity extends to the character models, capturing the essence of Heroic Spirits with astonishing precision. Battles are a visual spectacle, where each clash and skill unleash a symphony of vibrant animations, imbuing the game with an aura of mythical splendor. The seamless transition between the intimate streets of Edo and the explosive battlegrounds showcases the game's visual prowess, creating an unforgettable experience that seamlessly blends history and fantasy.


While "Fate/Samurai Remnant" diverges from traditional narrative structures, it offers players a unique opportunity to be the architects of their own destinies. Set against the enigmatic backdrop of the Waxing Moon Ritual, players assume the role of Miyamoto Iori, a ronin unexpectedly entangled in the Holy Grail War. The absence of a predefined story narrative grants players unparalleled agency, empowering them to shape the course of events through their choices, battles, and interactions. By embracing this narrative freedom, players become active participants in the unfolding drama, forging their own path and crafting a personal legacy that intertwines with the rich lore of the Fate universe.


Fate/Samurai Remnant seamlessly intertwines history and fantasy through exhilarating combat, immersive exploration, and captivating narrative, setting a new benchmark for action RPGs.


  • Immersive fusion of history and fantasy in gameplay and narrative
  • Captivating combat reminiscent of popular anime game titles
  • Open-world exploration of Edo adds depth and variety


  • May not fully resonate with players unfamiliar with Fate universe
  • Learning curve for newcomers to the hack-and-slash genre

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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