Dice Legacy

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a game by DESTINYbit
Platform: PC (2021)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 9.0/10 - 2 votes
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See also: Survival Games, Base Building Games, Best Roguelike Games, Board Games
Dice Legacy
Dice Legacy
Dice Legacy

For years, city building games have become a go-to for those who are looking for something a little less troublesome. Instead of playing one person, you take on the role of overseer to run a happy little city or settlement. With Dice Legacy, though, you are injected into a very intriguing gameplay idea. With this game, developed by DESTINYbit, you will be tasked with running a city that is built on a mysterious ringworld. The difference between this and other city builders, though, is not geography: it’s the fact everything is dealt with using dice!

The whole aspect of the game will be managed using dice. Your aim is to build your settlement and gather resources, develop new features and facilities, and then slowly expand. Expansion brings other eyes, though, and thus likely risk of attack. With this late 2021 release, can you roll enough good numbers to keep your settlement arrive?

Settlement success at the roll of a dice

With everything in Dice Legacy managed and settled by the use of a dice, then, you need to get used to the importance of luck in such a setting. Here, you will be expected to use your dice to get good rolls that then allow for more resources, more development, and thus more defences when you are under attack. Survive the chilling winters, deal with the odd people you will meet in this strange world, and ensure that you have a settlement that is worthy of the high-luck rolls you keep pulling out!

Survival and city building are often natural bedfellows, but here it looks like Dice Legacy will combine them together like never before. Strategy is needed, but Dice Legacy looks to show a fine example of why even the finest of strategies are underpinned by a crucial, volatile ingredient: luck.

City building and survival with a unique twist

While Dice Legacy is not yet out, with a mid-September release expected, it has been a regular preview game for streamers and the like.

Those who have had a chance to preview the game speak highly of its gameplay loops and interesting style. Some, though, worry that there might simply not be enough to do – though this is a curse of just about any city builder.


Many will instantly spot similarities to the likes of Banished or Rimworld, but the introduction of dice-rolling helps to keep things fresh. This is going to help develop narratives and stories that you will enjoy living through, all in the knowledge that you are a good or bad roll of the die away from everything changing – and not always for the better.


  • Exciting gameplay style with the unique blend of survival and city building
  • Interesting use of dice, helping to add a sense of randomity to the way things work


  • Some concerns over the potential for a lack of things to do after the mid-game

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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