Cruis'n Blast

Download Cruis'n Blast and hit the road in this high-octane arcade racing game. Choose from a variety of exotic vehicles and race through stunning locations as you compete for first place. Perform daring stunts, outrun the competition, and experience the thrill of high-speed racing. Are you ready for the ride of your life? Play now!
a game by Raw Thrills
Platform: PC (2017)
Editor Rating: 7.5/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 7.6/10 - 9 votes
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See also: Racing Games, Cruis'n Series
Cruis'n Blast
Cruis'n Blast
Cruis'n Blast

When you are looking for a classic racing video game to try out, you might wish to take a look at Cruis’n Blast. This title, developed by Raw Thrills, is part of the Nintendo arcade world. However, a September 2021 release for the Nintendo Switch now means that Cruis’n Blast fans can play the series on-the-go instead of in an arcade.

With more content added to the sixth member of the Cruis’n Blast series than you got in arcades, is the Switch release worthwhile? Is this the kind of game that you think you could play on-the-go or with others?

Racing madness sans realism

So, the first thing to note about Cruis’n Blast is that realism is not on the menu. This is more Mario Kart than Forza Motorsport. With that in mind, you might be a little let down as the Switch already has a litany of fantasy-themed racers to choose from. With that in mind, then, many people might find that Cruis’n Blast simply does what Mario Kart 64 and the like try to do with less success.

However, if you are looking for wild racing that does not care about physics or realism then you could find a happy home in Cruis’n Blast. The driving is a blast, with the speed of races incredible. Throw in a wonderful series of tracks that have all manner of inventive add-ons, and it is easy to see why so many people love to play games like Cruis’n Blast. In terms of things to do, you have enough modes to pick from as well as enough vehicles to try out. However, this is a port of a 2017 arcade title, so it does have some limits in terms of the visuals or the gameplay. For something that was a bit of a classic series back in the day, Cruis’n Blast adds to the popular formula that has served the series so well over the years.

Generic racing with bombastic designs (7.5/10)

While Switch gamers aren’t exactly short on racers to choose from, Cruis’n Blast does offer something a bit different. It has that ridiculous style that makes games like Burnout so fun, so it definitely can be enjoyable for more arcade racers.

However, once you have played one colourful and fancy racer you have more or less played them all. With just five courses to pick from, too, you might not find that you have enough gameplay here to warrant many hours of return gaming.


For a party game to have on your hard drive to play with others, though? This is the exact style of game that Cruis’n Blast has set out to be. It works well in that, so if you can keep your expectations mild you should be happy with the end results.


  • Fun racing game that removes much of the realism from normal racers
  • Interesting design style allows for creative and ambitious racing tracks
  • Numerous cars to pick from that all give you something different to try


  • Lacks enough variety for those looking for a full-time racing game to play
  • Some might find the gameplay to be too basic and too easy to master

Download Cruis'n Blast


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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See Also

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