
Download Brotato and embark on a wacky adventure with your customizable potato hero! Overcome obstacles, solve puzzles, and experience the zany world of Brotato. Ready for some spud-tacular fun? Play now!
a game by Blobfish
Platform: PC (2022)
Editor Rating: 10/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 8.0/10 - 3 votes
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See also: Best Casual Games, Funny Games, Early Access Games, RPGs, Top Down Games, Isometric Games, Hand-Drawn Games, Perma Death Games, Bullet Hell Games, Arena Shooters

A quirky top-down shooter starring a rather belligerent spud, Brotato has all the oddities and bizarre humor that so many players love, combined with an amazingly addictive gameplay loop that will keep you hooked for hours on end.

The levels are easy to grasp but difficult to master, as they usually require more than one strategy. And though it may not seem like much, this game's visual style helps bring out all the personality in its main character. What else is there to say? This game rocks!

However, as is usually the case, some minor issues exist within Brotato's universe—but none that prevent me from recommending this game wholeheartedly to anyone looking for a quick fix of intense top-down action.

Spud Wars

The game's outlandish story begins when a spaceship from the Potato World crashes on an alien planet. Brotato is the only survivor, left alone to wander in this hostile environment. The only option he has left is to wait for the rescue to arrive, but he'll have to fight endless alien hordes before then, armed with an extensive (and highly destructive) arsenal.

Brotato is, at its core, an action roguelike title in the same vein as The Binding of Isaac: even the art style seems vaguely reminiscent of Edmund McMillen's. This is a game that aims for short, highly customizable runs, and it certainly delivers on this front. Each run can be completed in as little as ten minutes.

These quick sessions are packed with challenges that force players to think on their feet. Levels are procedurally generated and feature lots of randomization options, making each game experience completely unique from the last.

Customizable Experience

It seems like Brotato was a game crafted with speedrunners in mind. Almost every one of the game's gameplay elements can be customized, including the difficulty of the alien horde.

Difficulty proving too hard for you? Lower the enemies' health or slower their movement to craft an experience that's challenging but fun for players of any skill level.

The game even has an auto-firing mode for players that only wish to focus on movement, leaving the trigger up to the game itself. These customization options can also make the experience even more punishing, as players can also tweak the difficulty to truly test their gaming skills.

As you progress through each enemy wave, you'll find materials and experience points that will turn your character into an even more formidable alien-killing machine.

Style and Variety

As we mentioned before, the game looks just as if it was designed by Edmund McMillen. The creator of Super Meat Boy and other 2D classics had no involvement in Brotato's development, but fans of his unique style might still appreciate how closely the game resembles his work.

Brotato features a bright, cartoonish aesthetic, complete with a grungy design style that contrasts beautifully against the high-definition visuals. This is perfect when it comes to the designs of the dozen or so characters you can choose in the game, each featuring a unique set of skills that give Brotato's gameplay yet another layer of complexity.


Brotato might be one of the finest roguelike titles I've ever played. The many customizable options and its quirky visual design are sure to be a hit among speedrunners and fans of the genre.


  • Entertaining gameplay loop
  • Great art design
  • Tons of customizable options and gameplay variety


  • It might prove a bit too difficult for some players on the default difficulty setting

Download Brotato


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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