Arcane Waters

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a game by Black Mammoth Games
Platform: PC (2022)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 10.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Action Adventure Games, Action Games, Best Indie Games, Open World Games, RPGs, Pixel Art Games, Crafting Games, PvP Games, Pirates Games, Sailing Games
Arcane Waters
Arcane Waters
Arcane Waters
Arcane Waters

There’s an undeniable appeal to the pirate’s life. Sailing the high seas with your buddies, exploring mysterious islands, digging up buried treasure, what could be better than that? Probably the presence of modern plumbing. You can enjoy all of the awesomeness of living life as a pirate from the comfort of your computer with Arcane Waters.

Developed by Black Mammoth Games and published by Grey Havens, Arcane Waters is an in-depth pirate simulator that takes place in a beautiful pixelated open world. If sailing on the open ocean isn’t quite enough to get you in the door, Arcane Waters also has a host of extra gameplay features that will keep you engaged whether you’re plundering or not. Did that catch your attention? Then here is everything you need to know about Arcane Waters.

Pirate Farmer, or Farming Pirate?

The primary pull of Arcane Waters is, of course, its pirate gameplay, but you’ll be doing so much more in your time with the game. You’ll also be building up your very own farm, exploring, trading with other ports and players, and even engaging in some combat!

How you divide up the time you spend will determine whether you are a pirate who farms or a farmer who pirates on the side, but however you choose to play, Arcane Waters is a blast. It doesn’t have the detailed 3D graphics of something like Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag, but it does look and play a bit like Stardew Valley, which is infinitely more addicting.

Protect What is Yours, Take What is Theirs

Leaving your farm to explore what is out beyond the horizon will fill you with excitement, but don’t leave unprepared for a fight. On the seas, you’ll engage in real-time, ship-to-ship cannon fights as opposing pirates attempt to take your loot, and on land, you’ll have to fight off monsters that are protecting valuable treasures.

Both styles of fight are intense and engaging, and you’ll build up the skills you need to be successful in them as you play the game. However, as in all games of this style, they are entirely optional. You can avoid conflict entirely to become a sort of peaceful pirate and take only what you can get without fighting. That doesn’t seem like much fun to us, but whatever floats your pirate ship.

Craft Your Way to Victory

As you explore and conquer enemies and monsters, you will begin to collect all kinds of items and materials.


You can combine these items to create your own weapons, armor, and equipment for your own personal use. Or, you can sell your crafted goods for a profit! Not a bad way to earn some extra money.


  • Cute pixelated presentation that channels Stardew Valley
  • Awesome combat on both land and sea
  • A huge open world with plenty of islands to explore
  • In-depth crafting system that allows for a bit of creativity


  • You’ll occasionally come across another live player who outguns you
  • Leveling up your skills feels unbalanced

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System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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