Ankora: Lost Days

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a game by Chibig
Platform: PC (2022)
Editor Rating: 8/10, based on 1 review
User Rating: 8.0/10 - 1 vote
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See also: Anime Games, Manga Games, Life Simulation Games, Crafting Games, Management Games, Cute Games, Time Management Games, Sci-Fi RPG
Ankora: Lost Days
Ankora: Lost Days
Ankora: Lost Days
Ankora: Lost Days

In a world where survival games have become one of the top genres, it's refreshing to see one that takes such a casual approach. Ankora: Lost Days is a more cutesy, relaxed game that doesn't rely on intense gameplay or urgent mechanics to keep players engaged. It's simply a title that lets players do what they need at their own pace in a more romantic environment.

Or at least that's what it seems. This upcoming survival adventure game seems to do things differently from the typical genre mechanics. There are puzzle boards, friendly characters, and an overall encouraging atmosphere. We finally have a survival title catered to everyone, rather than players who excel at micromanaging.

Days Gone By

We haven't been treated to any playable gameplay for the upcoming game. Still, we have enough media to gauge what's happening. Ankora: Lost Days introduces itself as a Ghibli-Esque anime series where a junior space explorer named Mun crash lands on an unknown planet. Flora and fauna look threatening, but our protagonist befriends them in a typical anime adventure style.

So what sets Ankora: Lost Days apart from other survival games? The main factor is that gameplay is condensed to many playable boards rather than an open world. Each panel features puzzles, building potential, and enemies to stave off to survive and create a new home. The story isn't straightforward yet, but we imagine it will have something to do with trying to re-establish a connection to people who can save you.

It's an exciting approach to gameplay where tiles are established to move, build, and attack. That probably suggests that Ankora: Lost Days is going to be a turn-based game, which presents a set of mechanics that aren't usually associated with survival games. There could be a fascinating amalgamation of gameplay here, allowing players to create at a more leisurely pace than standard!

Regardless of how the mechanics turn out, Ankora: Lost Days already look like a beautiful world to explore. Lush greens, shimmering waters, snow-capped mountains, and different terrains build interest on this planet. That notion alone will generate enough interest to immerse me in this mysterious yet gorgeous environment.

The Right Kind of Crash Landing

There's little else we can divulge about Ankora: Lost Days because there's simply no more information available. At the moment, it would seem like the gameplay has the vibes of My Time At Portia, albeit with turn-based mechanics. The narrative, lore, and objectives of the game are yet to be seen, but we'll certainly be looking out for them.


So do we think Ankora: Lost Days will be worth playing? Yes, for now. It's got a unique stature of a survival game that doesn't drain the life out of its players. That concept is refreshing enough that we'd like to spend some time building in a utopia world rather than fending off mutants at every moment.

Round-Up - Pros & Cons


  • An intriguing new take on survival mechanics
  • A beautiful world to explore
  • Turn-based gameplay makes the game more leisurely


  • No release date yet

Download Ankora: Lost Days


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

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