Test Drive Unlimited 2

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a game by Eden Games S.A.S.
Platforms: XBox 360, PC (2011), Playstation 3
Editor Rating: 7.5/10, based on 1 review, 2 reviews are shown
User Rating: 7.1/10 - 9 votes
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See also: Racing Games, Games Like NFS, Games Like NFS Unbound, Test Drive Games
Test Drive Unlimited 2
Test Drive Unlimited 2
Test Drive Unlimited 2

Released in 2011, Test Drive Unlimited 2 was one of the last games in a series that ran for the better part of three decades! Seriously this is a racing series that had a ton of fans and the first Test Drive Unlimited game was a very ambitious title that made great use of what the consoles of its day (PS3 and Xbox 360) had to offer over previous generations. This game tries to build on that formula.

Win The Solar Crown

For a game that was released around a decade ago (as I write this) one thing that I really do have to give Test Drive Unlimited 2 a ton of credit for is trying to have a narrative linking your racing actions. You play as a valet who ends up fired, but then you are given the chance to try and make it big by taking part in a racing series called The Solar Crown. Look the writing and voice acting is not exactly amazing stuff, but it is more than what most other racing games at the time were offering people.

The presentation is decent enough. The game features two islands for you to race on and they each have a cool paradise kind of style to them. The soundtrack is done via two radio stations and while some songs and radio chatter do repeat, I thought this was done pretty well.

Arcade or Sim?

When it comes to the type of racing that this game offers, I would say it fits more in with arcade-style racers. The thing is, it does also have sim elements. By this I mean you can still take corners at a fast speed, but you still need some driving skills and when you get a new car it does take a while to figure out how it handles. The overall gameplay on offer in Test Drive Unlimited 2 is not challenging. That is not because it is an arcade racer, but because the AI acts like it always wants you to win. Some challenges can be tricky, but for the most part, I never found myself having too much of a hard time getting past anything the game threw my way.

So Much To Do!

There is a ton of content in this game. the islands are huge and the first game really was one of the first open-world racing games, but this tries to take things to the next level. You have 25 championships to win and each one has multiple races to do. There are hidden wrecks over the island for you to find and a ton of side missions where you do stuff like drive people places and deliver things. The game is certainly not short on content at all so if the gameplay does grab you, you will have a lot to keep you busy.

I was not able to check out the online component of the game, but from what I have read when the game first launched it was very sketchy at best!


I think that Test Drive Unlimited 2 2as a very ambitious game and a decent enough follow up from the previous game. It looks decent, has a good soundtrack and it has a ton of content. The AI that you race against may not be the smartest around, but this I feel makes the game had a bit more of a “relaxing” feel to it than many other racing games do. On the flip side of this, I can see some racing purists finding things way to easy.


  • You have two islands to explore
  • Tons of vehicles to obtain
  • Plenty of things to do such as winning championships and side missions
  • I enjoyed most of the soundtrack
  • Visually the game holds up fairly well


  • The AI seems like it wants you to win
  • Finding some of the wrecks is near impossible without a guide

Download Test Drive Unlimited 2

XBox 360

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP
Playstation 3

System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP

Game Reviews

While The Original TDU had a buggy release and haphazard patching, but soon developed a loyal following in love with its concept - if not entirely its execution.

The idea of zipping around an open paradise island and challenging fellow racers within its world to races continues to stir the loins of seasoned racers. Although with TDU2 racers will be cresting the cliffs and skidding round the vomit-soaked club corners of Ibiza. Hit level 10 though and you'll unlock the updated map of Hawaii's Oahu which can accessed after a quick race to the airport.

Brilliantly, there's now a co-op mode that lets a friend sit next to you in the car and read the map (if you feel the need to recreate innumerable travel arguments with your significant other) while throughout the game there's an added emphasis on rewarding you for buying your avatar houses and posh clothes, fully exploring the vehicular playgrounds provided and making friends as well as beating them.

Tropical Racer

With a release currently targeted for this September the hope is that this time Eden Games have been allowed to keep TDU2 in the oven for long enough to make it the hit it truly deserves to be. We also hope and pray that We Are Going to Ibiza by the Vengaboys is the key-stone of the soundtrack.

Snapshots and Media

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PC Screenshots

Playstation 3 Screenshots

See Also

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