Download Horror Games

Games Total: 1704
Selection Criteria: Games focused on creating a sense of fear, dread, or suspense for the player.
Viewing games 101 to 150 (of 1704 games)


Who wants to be a millionaire?


It's hard to picture a person who wears a leather mask and carries a club as a hero but then Splatter-house is not your typical sidescrolling shooter either.

Dino Crisis

After spending time with this latest playable, we can confirm that Dino Crisis is indeed on target for survival horror greatness.

Condemned: Criminal Origins

Horror is one of my fascinations, and a good scary film is usually the perfect combination of creepy and strange to suit my mood.

Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare

Edward Carnby is back! The supernatural detective finds himself trapped on an island surrounded by creepy crawlies (what’s new?) and facing what could be his most dangerous investigation yet.