Games Like Little Nightmares

Games Total: 32

In our games like Little Nightmares collection, if you are a fan of Little Nightmares and its sequel, Little Nightmares II, we have some spooky, creepy, and sometimes downright disturbing games that we are sure you will love. Fans of horror are in for a real treat here! We are huge horror video game fans ourselves and we have handpicked a few suggestions when it comes to titles that we are sure you will have a lot of fun (and also a few scares too) with.

We are starting with a bit of a wildcard, but we do feel that when it comes to games like Little Nightmares, Night in the Woods does have a few similarities. The way that this game tells a truly compelling story that in many places can get under your skin is just so well done. You play as a young woman (who is also a cat) that goes back to her hometown where she finds out what her friends have been up to as well as a weird cult that seems to be up to no good and hiding a terrible secret that is now going to come to light!

You could not have a games like Little Nightmares section without talking about Limbo! Limbo along with a few other key titles such as Braid and Castle Crashers really cemented the whole Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network service as being a place for high end games. Limbo sees you playing as a child who is just trying to survive, this has a very creepy setting and the whole being a kid while trying to survive thing does make it comparable to Little Nightmares. With some tricky platforming and light puzzle solving, this is a true classic you will never forget.

While Neversong may not have the “horror” vibes as far as the visuals go, we still felt that this was worthy of a mention in our games like Little Nightmares collection. You play as a little guy who is stuck in a coma as he tries to hack and slash his way through monsters to try and make it out the other side. While this game is a lot of fun to play, it is also quite challenging. It is those breathtaking hand-drawn visuals that will pull you in here. You may also be surprised at just how compelling the story of this little guy's fight to survive is too!

One of the most visually striking games that we have here and a game we felt had to be talked about in this games like Little Nightmares collection was Bendy and the Ink Machine. This is survival horror at its very best! You return to an old animation studio where something evil has taken control and there are now all kinds of monsters roaming around. This is one of those games where the less you know about it, the more impact it is going to have. It is played from the first-person so it is a different gameplay style, but the way it keeps you on edge and gets your blood pumping makes it an ideal game for you to play.

You may be wondering why we are suggesting the Resident Evil 2 Remake here in a games like Little Nightmares collection! Well, to start with, this game is awesome. You have two campaigns to play through, a fantastic story and a great mixture of puzzles, action, and running for your life. However, we feel that as Sherri is a kid, it kind of makes it (granted in a rather small way) a fitting game to have on this list. Sure the original Resident Evil 2 is awesome and worth playing, but we feel the remake more captures the vibe that Little Nightmares has. Another “weird” or out-there suggestion we have for you is The Evil Within 2 which sees a dad going through literal hell to save his kid!

Those are just a few of the great titles that you will find here in our games like Little Nightmares collection. If you loved Little Nightmares and Little Nightmares II, we feel that you will get a similar kind of feeling from playing many of the games that we have for you here.

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Best 30 Games Like Little Nightmares

Viewing games 1 to 32 (of 32 games)


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