Side Scrolling Games

Games Total: 1697
Selection Criteria: Games that feature side-scrolling gameplay, where players navigate levels horizontally.
Viewing games 1501 to 1550 (of 1697 games)

Generations Lost

In an epic journey of discovery, exploration, and self-realization, you must make your way through six sectors of the world, searching for answers, and getting in some fighting along the way, too.
Discussion  2
Sega Genesis


The gameplay is somewhat different than your typical platformer. You attack your enemies by shooting them with small metal orbs that come out of TinHead's head. You can shoot them in three different directions: diagonal upward, straight, or just le..
Sega Genesis

Wardner Special

The player controls a hobbit like character through various forest stages in an attempt to save his girlfriend from the evil Wardner.
Sega Genesis

Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventures

A bear family – Father Bear, Mother Bear, Sister Bear, and Brother Bear – decide to go camping to the nearby forest. While they sit by the fire, the two cubs decide to explore the area.
Sega Genesis